Chapter 2

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Dr. White wood backed back to the lab towards her office. She slipped the blood into a slot and began running the tests.

The boy's blood seem to have more human blood that wolf blood. She tried the test again, but this time it only showed human blood.


Bryn never thought that he would have a no moon day on a raft in the middle of the ocean. He was still angry at Rhydian for the trouble he got them into.

"Rhydian!" Katerina yelled. " Wake up!"

Bryn looked behind him and saw Rhydian sit up.


Rhydian rubbed his eyes and looked to where Katrina was pointing to.He looked and they saw a news helicoptor. Everyone tried to get their attention. Sticks, shiny objects, yelling.

The helicoptor didn't stop but kept flying until it was out of sight.

Rhydian looked at Bryn who was glaring at him.

"Bryn, getting angry doesnt solve angry anything."

Bryn stuck out his tongue, "Watch me." and he dove into the water.

"Bryn!" Rhydian called.

Bryn poked his head out and s luck his tongue out again and went back underwater.

"Is that kid crazy?!" someone yelled.


Sorry these chapters r short but I'm busy with school, karate, acting school, and school reports.

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now