Chapter 6

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Sorry I haven't updated, I've been writing rough drafts for future chapters.

Bryn's raft soared through the ocean while he was trying to get rid of his weird sight. But nothing changed. He still saw everything as an illusion.

He finally spotted something in the distance. It looked like an island. Once the raft crashed into the shore, he jumped onto the sand.

He walked off the beach into the forest ahead.

There were no bugs, no sounds, no animals, and no wind. Bryn turned around until he realized that this island wasnt completely deserted. He sniffed the air and picked an unfamiliar scent. He followed it deeper into the woods.

The scent finally stopped at a moldy outhouse. Bryn stared at it longer and tried to figure out why he didn't recognize the scent.

Bryn opened the door and walked inside. Once he did, there was no floor and he fell.

Bryan finally smashed into ground and he looked up. Standing a few feet away was a white door.

Bryn banged the door open. Inside was a white room with chairs and tables. And there was someone standing in the center of the room

So who do you think it was? And what do you think will happen next? Do you think Bryn will find out what happen to him? Leave a comment below and dont forget to share! And does anyone know the name of the kid who played bryn in wolf blood? I think he would be a good Nicole di Angelo in Percy Jackson.

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now