Chapter 11

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Rhydian turned to Katrina. "We have to find Bryn, he can't survive on his own."

Katerina shook her head. "He's gone rogue, Rhydian. What just happened is not normal."

Rhydian turned away. "Was it wolfsbane?"

"No," David said, "wolfsbane is not that powerful."

Rhydian wished that today was not a no moon day. He wanted to find his brother and protect him.

Rhydian looked at the ripples in the water where Bryn went. He picked up and oar from the bottom of the raft and turned the boat in that direction.

"Well Im going after him"

"Rhydian you can't" Katerina said, "He's become a monster-"

"HE'S NOT A MONSTER!" Rhydian yelled.

Rhydian wanted to growl but bit his tongue instead and started his motor.

"Well I'm going to find him whether or not you're coming."

Rhydian rode off and heard the London pack protesting. He looked behind him and saw the pack chasing after him. Rhydian smiled to himself and continued on.

"Katerina," David said, "He is trying to make us follow him"

"I know Gramps but just let him get away this one," Katerina mumbled.

"This isn't a good idea, we should just leave him to find his brother while we find a way to get back home." David said firmly.

Katerina looked at David and nodded. She turned the motor around and headed the opposite direction.

Rhydian's heart was pounding so loud he thought it was gonna pop out of his chest.

Rhydian stopped for a moment to find east so he knew where he was going.

But as soon as he stopped he noticed no other sounds around him.

Rhydian turned around and didn't see the pack.

Rhydian exhaled and looked at a compass he found in the compartment.

I'm coming for you Bryn. No wolf left behind , Rhydian thought.

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now