Chapter 19

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Maddy stared into the dark canyon. The darkness didn't bother her since she had night vision, shw was just worried that there might be something else in there.

Maddy reached in her basket and pulled out a small vial. Maddy remembered when Shannon tried to get more from Jana.


Maddy shook that thought out of her head and opened the vial.

She took a deep breath and drank a small sip. Maddy felt her body relax. The pressure she felt for this mission faded away into nothingness.

"Alright," Maddy told herself, "its go time."

She ran into the dark canyon sniffing the air every few seconds. Jana's strange scent seemed to be bouncing off the walls and changing directions.

Then Maddy came upon a small ditch filled with the atrange part of Jana's scent.

Inside the ditch was a purple bush. As Maddy got closer to the bush her head felt light and her heart beat three times faster.

Maddy held her breath and picked off a piece of the bush. She felt her eyea burn and she shoved it in her basket.

Maddy felt a sharp pain in her fingertips. She looked at her hand and noticed it was scorched.

Mady arched her eyebrows but continued to run through the canyon.

Back to the no moon day********

Emma looked through the forest looking for Jana. She probably couldn't have gone too far.

Just then Emma heard the sound of rushing water. She walked deeper into the woods and came across a waterfall.

Emma looked at the beautiful blue waters until she thoufht she saw a beam of golden light behind the waterfall. Emma climbed her way through the rocky path.

When she finally came up to the back, there was a small cave.

Just then the sound of fire and howling filled the air. Emma ran out of the cave and saw smoke in the sky.

"Oh no no no no, " Emma panicked and stepped out of the cave.

Then a hand gripped Emma's shoulder, "Not so fast."

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now