Chapter 27

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Well here yall go! The last chapter of the story.

Maddy looked in horror as she saw the entire north side of the forest was completely burnt.

"Oh no," Jana said a little panicked.

"Uh it's ok," Maddy said, "It was part of the plan."

Jana glared at Maddy, "What plan!?!"

Oh. Forgot I left that out Maddy thought.

"Don't worry, Demetra probably came up with something." Maddy replied as her heart beat picked up speed.

When Maddy was telling the story earlier, she left out the part were Demetra rubbed two rocks together to make fire.

Maddy took a shakey breath and hopped down from the tree, "Come on Jana. I guess we better look for clues."

Jana's nostrils flared but she jumped down the tree without a word.

"Rhydian we're going!" Maddy called.

Rhydian and Bryn walked over to them, "So where are we headed?"


The four of them searched around the burnt area for anything that could give them clues.

Jana let out a fustrated sigh, "Uh! There is got to be something that will help!"

Maddy sniffed the air trying to get a scent, but all she smell was smoke and burnt trees.

Just then Rhydian's eye's lit up, "Hey Jana what if you used Ansin?"

Jana looked at Rhydian, "That's not a bad idea! But there is nothing here to use it on. I mean since we haven't seen any dead bodies it looks like everyone got out" Jana replied sounding a little relieved at the end.

"Can you use it on other objects?" Maddy asked.

Jana sighed, "Maybe, I've never tried. But the object has to be natural. "

Rhydian looked around, "Wait a minute, where's Bryn?"

Maddy blinked, "Weren't you suppose to be watching him?"

Rhydian raised an eyebrow, "Well excuse me but just because he is my brother doesn't mean I always have my eye on him twenty four hours."

Jana shook her head, "Alright lets find him."

They sniffed the air and ran into the eastern side of the burnt woods.

They found Bryn standing beside a tree poking something with stick.

"Bryn? What are you doing?" Maddy asked.

Bryn turned around, "Hey guys, check out this dead squirrel!"

"Uck!" Maddy and Jana exclaimed.

"I know, cool huh?" Bryn said

Rhydian took the stick from Bryn and started to poke it.

"Wait," he said, "What if this squirrel saw what happen in the fire.

"That's ridiculous! " Maddy said, "It could have died from something else."

"Well we really don't have a choice." Rhydian said.

"Ew no! What if it has a disease!" Maddy argued.

"Guys!" Jana interrupted, "We're wasting time, this is the best we got."

Maddy rolled her eyes but gave in.

Jana reached toward the squirrel and placed her hand on it's tiny head.


Maddy watched as Jana began to perform Ansin on the squirrel. If that squirrel had rabies or an infection and Jana caught any of those, she would blame Rhydian.

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