Chapter 18

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Maddy woke up covered in leaves. Once she dugher way out she looked up at the sky. It was day time.

Maddy touched her back and winced. Now that her powers were back, it hurt a little less but it wasn't completely healed.

Maddy carefully sat up and looked around her. She was still near the cliff and the sun was starting to rise.

Maddy stood up and grabbed her sack and tent. She took a deep breath and stinffed the air. She caught Jana's scent but it was also mixed with wolfsbane and another substance Maddy couldn't identify.

She then crouched down and pressed her fingers to the soft dirt. Maddy focused and looked up to the sky. Maddy saw Jana but the background was so vivid. Jana was turned the other way, until Maddy focused her vision on Jana. Jana turned her head to Maddy's sight. Jana's eyes were violet.

Maddy snapped out of Eolas sweating and breathing hard. "So much for Eolas," Maddy told herself.

She got up off the ground and wiped her fingertips on her pants. Maddy sniffed the air once again to catch Jana's scent. Maddy turned her head south and ran as fast as she could.


Maddy stopped running and caught her breath. She reached into her sack and pulled out a bag of water. Maddy took a small sip trying to save the water.

Maddy put the bag back in the sack and looked around her. She was standing in a plain grass meadow with a sight of hills in the background.

She sniffed the air but this time Jana's scent was in different directions.

Maddy huffed and stared at the ground. There seemed to be something red on the ground. Maddy crouched on one knee and touched the substance. It was blood. A wolf's blood.

Maddy sniffed the blood then sniffed the air. This time she got a more clear scent of where Jana was. Maddy turned her head in the direction and wimpered. Jana's scent lead into a dark canyon.

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