Chapter 23

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Maddy ran thorugh the entire canyon until she came upon a small cave. She sniffed the air and caught Jana's new scent which lead deeper into the cave

Maddy took a deep breath and began to tip toe through the cave. It was one of those caves with points at the top with water dripping from them.

As Maddy crepped through the dark cave, she began to hear a small breathing. Maddy turned a corner and hid behind a rocky wall. Right ahead of her was a sleeping wolf. It was obviously Jana, I mean, how many red furred wolfs do you see?

Jana seemed to be in a deep sleep so it would be hard to reason with Jana without scaring her,

Maddy took a deep breath and began to walk towards Jana. Just as Maddy was close enough to touch Jana, her amber ears began to twich.

Maddy froze and held her breath, hoping Jana wouldn't wake up.

Well considering Jana was a wolf, she could probably hear Maddy's heartbeat.

Maddy began to walk backwards until a drip of water fell on her eye.

"GAH!" Maddy yelled. Uh oh.

Jana's eyes shot open showing the most horrible shade of purple.

Maddy gulped and began to ran back towards the canyon.

As soon as Maddy left the cave, she took a peek behind her to see if Jana was following her. There was no one there.

Maddy was took a sigh of relielf until she felt fangs bite into her jacket collar.

Jana snarled and behind to run out of the canyon dragging Maddy with her.

Maddy struggled to get free from Jana. Maddy tried taking off her jacket, but it was espaecially since she was being dragged on the ground and she could barely see and move because of it.

Maddy was able to see a scene changed frim here to therem For instance,  they were no longer in the canyon, now they were in a field of grass.

Maddy then tied the basket of of her belt loop and whacked Jana ot the head it.

Jana instantly dropped Maddy and stopped running.

Maddy felt her back begin to hurt again. Great, Jana dropped her on a rock.

Maddy carefully got up just as Jana was charging at her. Maddy jumped off to her right, nearly missing Jana's attempted attack.

Maddy quickly got up from the ground and ran over to baby tree and pulled of a branch.

Jana once again ran towards Maddy as she was trying to pull of the branch. Once Maddy managed to pull of the branch, Jana was already too close to dodge.

Maddy fell on her back and held the branch in frint of her face. Jana jumped on Maddy and tried to bite her, but only managed to bite the branch.

Maddy tried her best to push Jana off, but Jana was suddenly stronger than usual and push pushing against Maddy's force.

Maddy then pushed the branch to the side and Jana fell on her back from the unexpected change of direction.

Maddy got up and put the branch on the ground and held out one of her hands.

Jana looked at Maddy's hand but just snarled at it and pounced on top of Maddy.

Maddy held her hands if Jana's jaw trying to keep it closed.

That's when Maddy heard a faint voice:

"Hey what was that?"

Oh no, Maddy thought, that better not be a human.

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