Chapter 26

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"So this Arthur guy was Dr. Whitewood's assistant, but then left her for his own experiments? And he found this purple plant that turned you and Jana into crazy wolfbloods?" Maddy asked.

Bryn nodded, "Exactly."

"So what happen to him?"

Bryn looked at Rhydian, "It's complicated."

Maddy looked between Bryn and Rhydian and her eyes widened.

"Wow who would of known that this plant actually existed?" Rhydian said changing the subject.

Maddy looked at their surroundings.  "Hmm, we seem to be close to the canyon, then the forest, and then the burnt forest.

"Except when Jana was dragging me across the ground I couldn't see what direction we came from."

Jana lifted her head, "I think I remember, but the whole experience was just a blur."

"That's ok, Jana." Bryn said, "Just try your best."

Jana scanned the horizon, closed her eyes and sniffed the air.

"Maybe we could just use Eolas?" Maddy asked.

"No," Jana said, "Where we are going is too far to use it."

Jana seemed so focused and calm with her eyes closed, it was kind of creepy.

Jana opened her eyes, "Got it."

"You know where to go?" Rhydian asked.

Jana nodded, "East."

"How do you know?" Maddy asked.

Jana took a deep breath, "I can feel it."

So as they started to go East, the sun began to set.

"Maybe we should stop here." Rhydian said.

Everyone nodded in exhaust.

Rhydian and Maddy careful placed Jana on the ground who instantly fell asleep. Maddy took out her woven hut and Rhydian placed it over Jana.

Maddy then took out her meat bag and pulled out a piece of meat and ripped it into three pieces.

She handed a piece to Bryn and Rhydian and chewed quietly.

She didn't want to talk to Rhydian with Bryn awake, feeling she might say something embarrassing.

"So Bryn," she said, "what happened when you were kidnapped by Dr. Whitewood?"

Bryn shrugged, "I was unconscious throughout most of it."

Maddy bit her tongue, "Well I'm going to sleep. Night guys."

She walked inside the woven hut and laid down a few inches from Jana and closed her eyes.


Maybe I should say something to her   Rhydian thought.

After all, it was silent for five minutes and it was a bit awkward.

"So Bryn," Maddy said breaking the silence, "what happened when you were kidnapped by Dr. Whitewood?"

Bryn shrugged, " I was unconscious throughout most of it."

There was another minute of silence.  Rhydian opened his mouth to say something to Maddy until she stood up.

"Well I'm going to sleep. Night guys."

And with that, she walked off to where Jana was sleeping.

Bryn looked at Rhydian, "Are you ok?"

Rhydian nodded, "Yeah,"

"Don't worry Rhydian, she probably just feels a little awkward being around you after four years and just recently getting her memory back."

Rhydian thought about, "Yeah you're right Bryn.

Bryn smiled and laid on his back and closed his eyes.

Rhydian picked up Bryn and placed him inside the hut and walked back out.

Rhydian looked at the stary sky. Wonder when life will actually go back to normal.


Rhydian woke up to the sound of Bryn foldong up the hut

Rhydian opened his eyes with the sun beating down on him.

He sat up, "Where's Jana and Maddy?"

"They always go for a morning run."Bryn answered.

Ten minutes later after Rhydian ate his breakfast, Jana and Maddy came running back laughing.

"I can't believe you actually chased that poor bunny into a thorn bush!" Maddy said.

"Hey, it pooped on my shoe while we stopped for a chit chat, it asked for no mercy!" Jana replied.

They continued laughing until they noticed Rhydian was wake.

"Oh Rhydian you're up." Jana said, "Then I guess we better continue searching."

Maddy looked at Rhydian and gave a weak smile and he smiled back.

Bryn handed Maddy her bag and basket while he offered to carry the hut.

"Ok, continue East." Jana said.

Everyone nodded and they walked eastward quietly.

After a few minutes of walking without talking, Maddy stopped in her tracks.

"What is it Maddy?" Jana asked.

Maddy began to sniff the air, "We're close!"

Maddy broke into a run with everyone following behind.

Soon they had entered the canyon and with a few twists and turns they were standing in front of the forest.

"Well, here we go." Maddy said.

"Let's go!" Bryn said and ran into the forest.

The four of them ran intensely breathing really hard.

Then Jana spooted something to her right.

"Look Maddy! The waterfall!"

Maddy looked in Jana's direction and her eyes light up, "We're almost there!"

Maddy and Jana continued to run whole Rhydian and Bryn were trailing behind.

"Oh! The cliff is over here!" Maddy exclaimed and sure enough the came across the mossy cliff.

"Ok be careful when going up," Jana stated, "That pointy purple plant grows on some of the ledges."

Rhydian and Bryn nodded and they began to climb up the cliff.

At the top everyone was waiting for Maddy who was still climbing.

" Are you alright there Madds?" Rhydian asked.

"Yeah I'm just not much of a climber! Plus I almost broke my back the last time I climbed this thing!" Maddy replied.

Maddy almost reached the top until her foot slipped on a watery ledge.

"Maddy!" Rhydian cried and reached for her arm just in time.

He pulled Maddy up and hugged her tight.

"Thank you," Maddy whispered and pulled away after a few seconds.

She walked over to Jana who was standing in the cherry blossom trees with a look of worriness.

"What's wrong Jana?" Maddy said and climbed the tree.

Maddy stood by Jana and looked where she was pointing.

Maddy gasped.

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now