Chapter 25

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Bryn ran to Jana who just transformed back to human. Maddy looked at Rhydian who returned the stare.

Maddy bit her lip then looked away and walked to Jana.

Jana rubbed her hand and neck and looked at Maddy.

"M-Maddy?" Jana said, "I'm s-"

"You don't have to apologize," Maddy interrupted, "it wasn't you."

Jana stared at the ground, "I'm kind of dizzy,"

"Yeah that will happen," Bryn said, "It's one of the symptoms. "

Maddy took one of Jana's arms and placed it around the back of her neck while Rhydian did the same to Jana's other arm.

'Hey Madds," Rhydian said, "where's the rest of the pack?"

Maddy bit the inside if her cheek, "'s kind of a long story."


(Back to the no moon day)

Demetra rubbed the two rocks together as hard as she could. A few sparks fell on fallen twigs and it started to blaze.

Our of the corner if her eye she saw Maddy take off running towards the cherry blossom trees.

Demetra dropped the rocks and ran towards the pack as the fire grew bigger.

"Fire! FIRE!" She yelled.

"Another one?" hercdad asked. Demetra pointed behind her and everyone screamed and began gathering up the huts, baskets, and bags.

"Wait!" Daniel yelled, "Where's my wife and daughter?!"

"Who knows! But we have to get out of here NOW!"  Demetra's dad yelled and shoved Daniel on front of him and led the pack deeper into the woods.

Demetra grabbed her hut and bag and ran after the pack.

"It's getting closer!" a pack member yelled  Since it was a no moon day no one was able to run as fast.

"Hurry quick we need to find a river or something!" another yelled.

Demetra looked around and spotted a helicopter in the sky. Was it the firemen? Or something else?

"Dad!" she yelled, "We have to hurry or we will be spotted!"

Demetra's dad ran into the forest with the pack close behind...


"So you have no idea where they are?" Rhydian asked.

Maddy shook her head, "Not a clue."

"Well lets just go to the waterfall you were talking about." Bryn said.

Maddy shrugged, "I guess but I don't know where we are."

Bryn sniffed the air, "What's that smell?"

Maddy and Rhydian looked at Bryn. "What smell?" Rhydian asked.

Bryn continued to smell the air. By each sniff he walked closer and closer to Maddy.

"What's in your pocket?" He asked.

Maddy reached into her pocket and pulled out the purple plant.

Bryn's eyes widened, "Throw that away!" he yelled.

Maddy blinked at Bryn. "Why?"

Bryn grabbed the plant out of Maddy's hand and threw it into a snake hole.

"What was that about?" Jana mumbled.

"That's the thing that turned you into a crazy wolf." Bryn replied.

He then began a long story as they traveled the direction Maddy came from.

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now