Chapter 16

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Maddy watched as the fire grew bigger. Her heart began to beat faster. She didn't blame Demetra for setting the camp on fire, but it just didn't feel right.

Maddy turned her attention back to her mission and ran towards the cherry blossom trees.

Maddy could still hear howling by the time she made it to the trees. She took a deep breath and looked around the ground.

This would be so much easier  if I could use eolas. Maddy thought to herself in fustration.

Maddy continued to look around the area.

"This is stupid." Maddy told herself and sat down next to a tree.

Maddy couldn't think of a way to find Jana, but she was a little tired.

Maddy leaned against the tree and felt a sharp pain go up her back.

She sat up and turned to look at the tree trunk. There way a claw mark on it with splinters sticking out.

Maddy inspected the claw marks and looked towards the tree roots. There was wet moss on the roots with paw prints pointing south.

Through her four years as a wild, Jana taught  Maddy how to tell the directions using nature itself.

Shannon had also told Maddy that Jana used this method when they went on the camping trip for school.

Maddy knew Jana would always try to go south whenever she needed a break.

Maddy got up running south. Although she wasn't completely sure Jana would go south, but she didn't really feel like she had much of a choice.

Maddy came to an abrupt stop. She had come to the cliff where she ran off.

Maddy took a deep breath and plundered down the the cliff. Maddy was in such a hurry to find Jana, she slipped off the cliff and fell ten feet.

Maddy hit the ground and the air was knocked out of her lungs.

Maddy coughed and gasprd for air. Once her heart beat slowed down, she felt a sharp pain in her spine.

Thank goodness it wasn't broken, but it felt like it was bruised real bad.

Maddy tried to get up but her back was in too much pain. She sighed. It looks like she would have to wait till midnight to regain her strength.

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