Chapter 17

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Rhydian's eyes stung as his raft ripped through the water. His heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest. He needed to find Bryn, but he wanted to find Maddy.

He wondered how the pack was doing. He hoped nothing bad would happen.

Rhydian blamed himself for getting everyone into this mess.

Its my fault, he thought, If I just ignored Demetra when she asked, my brother and the pack wouldn't be in danger, and Tom and

Shannon would still be my friends!

Rhydian looked up at the sky. It started to get dark and stars were appearing.

He strained into the distance trying to see up ahead. Curse no moon days.

Rhydian heard a loud popping noise and felt the engine become hot. The raft stopped moving and the engine died.

Great, that will make the night even better. Rhydian thought sarcastically.

Rhydian climbed to the back of the raft and opened up the compartment.

He pulled out a package of biscuts and a can of water and began to eat his 'dinner'.

Rhydian's eyes began to feel heavy. He rubbed them with the back of his hand hoping to get rid of the sleepiness.

Rhydian shoved the rest of the biscut in his mouth and gulped down the water. He then looked back in the compartment and found a compass, a flashlight, and a blanket.

Rhydian turned on the flashlight and shined it on the compass. It said he was moving west, and he trusted it since he was in the middle of the ocean.

Rhydian turned off the flashlight and threw it and the compass back into the compartment. He then layed down on the floor and covered himself up with the blanket and drifted to sleep.

Rhydian woke up to a dark sunrise. It was still dark, and the sunrise was only just starting.

Rhydian stretched his legs and yawned. His eyes were still heavy so he felt still tired.

He readjusted the blanket and turned on his back to look up at the sky. He stared into the horizon thinking about what he had fotten himself into. If he ran out of food, what would he do then?

Rhydian closed his eyes and feel asleep. What felt like seconds later he felt something bump into the raft.

He sat up and looked overboard. He didn't see anything at first, but then he noticed a small branch of some sort.

Rhyduan looked up and he smiled. He saw land.

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now