Chapter 7

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The someone was a man, wearing jeans and a t shirt. Bryn stepped back but the door was closed.

" Welcome" the man said. He turned around and slowly walked to a bookcase behind him. "I see you have been given a little present of mine." The man tapped the bookcase and it moved aside and behind it was a room.

"After you, "

Bryn had many questions to ask the man, but he couldnt speak.

His man looked harmless. Maybe he could trust him.

Bryn walked into the room.

"You most be wondering where you are. Well, this is my secret home. But you are still overwhelmed, young wolf blood. Yes, I know what you are. I will help, if you agree to do everything I say." then the man took out a needle and injected it into Bryn who then turned back to human.

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