Chapter 3

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"Shannon!" Cried Dr. Whitewood. Shannon ran into the room and stood in front of Dr.Whitewood. "Shannon, why is the wolf blood cells gone?"

Shannon began explaining about no moon days. "... So when you took the blood the cell count the numbers were already dropping. And since the blood is not in his body the cells won't ever show again.

Dr.Whitewood glared at Shannon and shooed her out of the room.


Bryn swam deeper into the water feeling free and hoping to get away from Rhydian as soon as possible. He thought he saw something in the distant andb began swimming to it until something grabbed him ans pulled him back to the surface.

"Bryn are you nuts!?" Rhydian yelled.

" I don't care what you think Rhydian! " Your just being a over protective!"


Emma had to keep pulling Maddy back to then pack. Maddy kept trying to escape and wouldntbeat. "Maddy your going out of control! Don't your life on Rhydian! Its over Maddy and there is nothing we can do about it!"

Maddy tensed but nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm sorry Man"

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now