Chapter 5

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Hi people! Finally I was able to upload this chapter and I have writers block so that's what took so long.

Everybody stared at Bryn's raft. Bryn opened his eyes and he looked around. He looked around but everything was a different color. The sky was purple, the water was red. He looked up at Rhydian and he wanted to scream, but he was a wolf so he couldn't do it. He saw three Rhydians as if he was dizzy.

Bryn's senses didn't feel sharp. Instead he felt like his subconscious was taking over his body.

Bryn lost it and grabbed Rhydian's arm in his teeth and threw him as far into the ocean as possible. The London pack gasped and started searching their rafts for anything to use as a weapon.

The wild pack looked even worse. They didnt looked real and had three heads. Bryn howled and shook his head but the vision didn't go away. He couldn't stand it had a tamtrum on the raft. His foot hit the motor and it surged forward.


Rhydian burst from the surface and coughed out salt water. He climbed into his raft and other rafts paddled to him.

" Rhydian, did you see his eyes?" Katerina said, "They weren't yellow, they were violet!"

"What could that mean?" Rhydian asked.

"It means," David said, "That some sort of drug involved"

"Drug?" Rhydian said, " What kind of drug? Not wolfsbane."

Katerina exhaled, "Well whatever it was, it completely transformed him. He was acting even wilder than a wolf trying to break free on a full moon."

Rhydian looked into the horizon, but Bryn was completely gone. "Don't forget that he is now a lone wolf."


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