Chapter 14

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Maddy ran as hard as she could towards the cliff with the other two wolfbloods trailing behind. What have possibly happened to Jana?

Once Maddy reached the cliff, she scrambled up it, almost hurting herself. When she was halfway up, she noticed a purplish pointy bush growing on a pile of moss on a nearby ledge. Wonder what that could be.

Once Maddy reached the top, she scanned the area. No one was there.

Maddy pushed her hair behind her ear and listened carefully

She finally heard faint yelling and howling in the distance. Howling? It was a no moon day.

Madddy ignored the thought and followed the sound. She came across the sound behind a forest of cherry blossom trees.

Maddy took a deep breath and tore through the trees. She couldn't see anything but pink petals.

Maddy ran so hard that her legs began to feel like jelly. Usually she never ran on a no moon day.

Maddy's lungs began to hurt so she stopped in a clearing in the pink petal forest.

After she caught her breath she began to listen again. This time the howling sound closer, like it was right in front of her-

Then something came out of the trees and pinned Maddy to the ground.

Maddy looked up and an auburn wolf was growling at her. Jana.

Wait, Jana couldn't be a wolf, not today.

Jana raised her paw as if she was about to hit Maddy. Maddy tried to push her off, but wolves were stronger.

Just then a man grabbed Jana and threw her into a tree. Jana got up, shook herself, and ran into the distance.

The man, who turned out to be the pack healer, grabbed Maddy's arm and pulled her up.

Maddy looked in the direction Jana ran, "What happened?"

"I don't know," the healer answered, "One minute she is a human, and the next she's a wolf," he scratched his chin, "But I think I have a theory."

Maddy turned to face the healer, "What is it?"

The healer exhaled sharply, "When you wandered off, Jana climbed this cliff and scrapped her hand on a ledge. When I was cleaning the wound, something purple began oozing out of it. After that, Jana began acting all strange."

Maddy bit her lip, "I saw that purple stuff when I was climbing up here."

The pack healer's eyes widened, "Show me."

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