Chapter 24

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"Bryn, honestly, I  don't know!" Rhydian said slightly yelling.

Bryn's eye began to twich, "Do you have any idea what you just did!"

"Bryn you were in trouble and I saved your life!"

"I didn't need saving I had it under control!" Bryn yelled back.

"Oh really?" Rhydian said, "Cause it looked to me that he knocked you unconscious and tied you to a table!"

Bryn could feel his eyes begin to colour, "That wasn't the whole story! Look Rhydian, I turned fourteen eleven months ago and have already had my third transformation, so why don't you just let it go!"

Rhydian's nostrils flared. He took off hus backpack and threw it at Bryn, who caught it.

"You're carrying that!" Rhydian said and began to walk back towards the tunnel.

Bryn gritted his teeth and looked at Arthur's  research.

He walked over towards the needle that held the antidote.  Wonder what was in it.

Bryn let out a sigh and shoved it in Rhydian's backpack.

Bryn walked towards the tunnel while Rhydian was already stomping ahead trying to climb up through the hole.

Bryn went back towards Arthur's lab and grabbed one of his chairs and headed towards Rhydian

Since Rhydian was tall, he had already pulled himeself out of the hole, while Bryn had to stand on the chair to pull himself up.

Rhydian walked out of the outhouse with Bryn beside him.

"Hey Bryn," Rhydian said.

"What," Bryn replied.

"I know your not a cub anymore, but once in a while we all need someone in our lives to guide us through life and help us in certain situations," Rhydian said.

"I know," Bryn said, "but sometimes I just want to grow up faster."

Rhydian gave Bryn a funny look, "Why? There is hurry to grow up."

"Well yeah, but you can feel much more free." Bryn replied.

"Actually, " Rhydian said, "Its the other way around. You see, as you grow older, you have more responsibilities and people expect so much from you. Trust me, its better to be a cub I some ways."

Bryn shrugged, "I guess you're right."

Just then they heard growling and grunting from the forest.

"Hey what was that?" Bryn said.

Rhydian ran towards the forest. An peered through a few bushes.

"Wait  second," he said, "Is that Jana?"

Bryn ran over to Rhydian's side, "And who is that brown wolf she's fighting?"

Bryn began to look closer at Jana, something seemed different about her. Once Jana's head more clear, he say that her eyes were purple.

"Oh no," Bryn said.

Rhydian looked at Bryn, "What?"

"I don't have time to explain, but Jana isn't herself and I know who she's fighting."

"Well who?" Rhydian asked.

"Maddy." Bryn replied.

Rhydian looked closer at the brown wolf and his eyes widened.

"Rhydian no, you just can't jump out there!" Bryn warned.

"Oh yes I can!" Rhydian said and got up from the bushes and ran towards the fight and transformed into a wolf.

Bryn rolled his eyes and opened up Rhydian's backpack. He pulled out the needle with the antidote and tried to target Jana's neck.

Except Rhydian kept getting in the way

"Rhydian move!" Bryn yelled and threw the needle.

The needle landed in Jana's neck and she yelped and fell to the floor.

Bryn walked out of the bushes and towards the two wolves who were still braced for an impact.

Just then Jana opened her eyes and the purple began to drain until her eyes were yellow once again. Then she transfirmed back into human and so did Rhydian and Maddy.

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now