Chapter 22

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Tom sat on his desk chair in his office.

He enjoyed the fact that he was treated like a professor at Dr Whitewood's office.

Then he heard the sound if a helicopter landing.

Then Shannon came running into Tom's office, "That's Whitewood!"

Tom arched his eyebrows and got up, "How can she catch wolfbloods so fast?"

Shannon shrugged, "Come on we have to help this one!"

Tom grabbed a first aid kit from the corner of his office and ran with Shannon onto the shore.

Dr. Whitewood hopped out of the helicopter and turned to face Tom and Shannon. Her eyes went to the first aid kit.

"Why are you carrying that?" she asked.

Tom and Shannon looked at each other

"Well," Shannon said, "If we are here to help wolfbloods then don't we need something to help them?"

Drn Whitewood looked at Shannon, "Tom, Shannon, there is something you should know, we are not saving wolfbloods, we are experimenting them."

"What?" Shannon said, "But you files and data clearly state that-"

"Those," Drn Whitewood interrupted,  "are my decoy files."

Shannon's lips parted, "You tricked us! You turned us against our own friends just so things could go exactly how you want!"

"Yes," Dr. Whitewood said; "Ineeded more evidence, people who knew wolfbloods like a family. So I tracked you two down and convinved you that you were helping wolfbloods when actually, you've been helping me."

Dr. Whitewood turned back to the helicopter and pulled out a cage with an unconscious wolfblood and placed it on the ground.

Tom and Shannon took a peek into the cage to see who it was.

"Mrs. Smith," They both said.

Tom exhaled sharply, "No no no there is no way you are experimenting on her!"

Dr. Whitewood smiled, "I can do what I want, and you two are my assistants so you have to do what I want or be placed into a filthy cell! Now get MOVING!"

Tom and Shannon looked at each other then started walking  back towards the lab.

"Tom," Dhannon whispered  "are we going to do anything about this?"

Tom nodded, "Yes we are."

Tom ran back towards Dr. Whitewood, the first aid kit firmly in his hand.

"Tom what are you doing!" Shannon called after him.

Tom kept running towards Dr. Whitewood until he was close enough and hit her on the head with the first aid kit.

Dr. Whitewood crumpled to the ground and Shannon screamed.

"Don't worry Shannon she  is just unconscious, " Tom said running back towards her.

"Good," Shannon said, "we should delete her files."

They ran inside the lab, passing cells and experiment room until they got to Dr. Whitewood's office.

They turned on her computer and tried to log on.

"Great, it needs a password!" Shannon said in fustration.

"Here I'll hack it," Tom said taking the mouse from Shannon.

"You know how to hack into a computer?" Shannon said in an tone that said she didn't believe him.

"Yeah, dont you?" Tom said and went to work on the keyboard.

After about a minute the computer's homescreen opened up.

"See?" Tom said and Shannon rolled her eyes.

"Ok now let ne find the data," Shannon said and her hands flew across the keyboard,

deleting eveything that cane up under wolf or wolfblood.

"Ok done," Shannon said and started for the door.

"Wait Shan," Tom said and grabbed Shannon's arm, "What are we going to do about the lab?"

Shannon thought for a second, "Burn it."

Tom blinked, "Alright,"

He took lighters out of Dr  Whitewood's draws while Shannon ran to the supply cabniet and grabbed every single flammable chemical she could find and spilled then all over the lab's walls and floor.

Tom and Shannon ran to the front entrance and stopped outside the door. They threw the lit lighters and ran towards the shore as fast as the could.

There was a loud cracking noise and the building burst into flames.

Tom picked up Emma's cage and put it inside the the helicopter and stepped in.

"Wait Tom, we can't just leave Dr. Whitewood here," Shannon said.

"Fine," Tom grumbled and picked up Dr. Whitewoods' s unconscious body and stepped inside the helicopter.

Shannon walked to the front of the helicopter and found the pilot asleep.

Shannon shook him awake, "Hurry up start the copter!"

The pilot saw the burning building and quickly turn on the helicopter.

Shannon closed the door and the helicopter flew into the air away from the island.

Tom grabbed the keys on Dr. Whitewood's belt and freed Emma from the cage.

"We have to find Maddy," Tom said.

Shannon nodded, "But how?"

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now