Chapter 4

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Bryn scolded at Rhydian. He wished he still had this wolfing powers. He at least still had the wolf blood behavior. He growled at Rhydian who didn't react but only looked at him with concern.

"Bryn, you're being a cub. Grow up! We'll make it back."

Bryn lost it and pushed Rhydian over board.

" What the hell kid!" Someone yelled.

Bryn growled and looked at his trembling hands. Something felt very wrong with him.

Bryn looked at the horizon. Them he saw something in the distant. It looked like land!

Then it disappeared. Then he started seeing things. 

Bryn yelled out in pain and fell to the floor.  He heard other wolfbloods swimming to his raft.

Rhydian popped up from the surface and climbed into the boat and held Bryn tight.

"Bryn!  You ok?!"

Bryn looked at his hands again andd saw his claws and fur begin to show. 

Then, he was in wolf form.

Wolfbloods of Stoneybridge Part 2 (A Wolfblood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now