Chapter 20

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Emma turned around, "Whitewood."

Dr. Whitewood smiled, "How long did you really think you could hide from me?"

Emma growled, "How did you find us?"

Dr. Whitewood laughed, "You can thank Rhydian for that," Then she reached into her pocket and whipped out a shot, "night night doggie."

Whitewood stuck the needle into Emma's leg, who manages a howl before she blacked out.


Rhydian got out of the raft and stuck his hands in the sand, hopefully this was the land where Jana's pack was.

Rhydian looked up at the sky, the dark nigjt was gone and it was starting to get bright, which means he could use Eolas.

Rhydian concentrated, I have to find Bryn and Maddy. I have to find Bryn and Maddy.

He told himself.

Once he was in Eolas, he first searched for Bryn. His mind traveled through forests ans plains until it came upon something unusual, an outhouse.

He settled his mind on the outhouse, wondering if it meant anything. But once he did, he felt a sharp pain in his brain.

Rhydian grunted painfully and snapped out of Eolas. He rubbed his aching forehead and walked back to the raft. He packed the remaining food and extra torch into his packback and headed towards the forest.

Hey guys, I am super glad you guys love my books and I would love it even more if you

gave me some feedback on my plot.I don't live in the UK so I'm sorry if the grammar isn't correct. Oh and tell me if you guys like my character Demetra and if you think the other characters would be able to manage with or without her help.

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