All Pure Instinct

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I tackled the wolf with a strength and quickness I've never felt before. I didn't even register what I had done until I heard the snapping of its jaw hoping to get out of my hold which was hopeless with iron hold.

"Shift!" I yelled in a tone I've never heard even my parents have never used. A shock ran through me as a thought ran through me I've never heard before 'mate'. But I knew he wasn't mine, it was more like whose mate.

I looked at the now naked man underneath my hold not paying any mind to this I said the first thing that seemed to be flashing in my mind repeatedly, "Ana Brigs 980 feet from the west border of the North Valley pack" I panted slightly making the words even more separated and distinct than normal.

"What?" The man said with softened eyes, but I noticed he was still on guard. His palms were pressed against the ground as if the second my weight gives he would launch his body away from me, and I am sure he would.

"That's your mate." I said still confused with what rolled off my tongue as if I said it a million times.

"How would you know, I haven't even met her! You can't possibly know that! My wolf doesn't even know!" he said with an accusing tone.

I pinned both of his hands above his head and took his face in my hand. I still didn't understand what was happening to me as I don't even know what half of things I have said even existed and heard before.

"Look me in the eye and tell me I am lying! Ask your wolf even!" I said wondering how a wolf could change into a man or how he isn't cold under my touch in this weather, but I hadn't enough control over my actions to speak concise words of my own.

The longer he stared into my eyes the more relaxed his muscles became under me. I let go of his face slowly, though he didn't making any movement he still kept eye contact. It had to have been at least five minutes of intense and uncomfortable staring until he spoke.

"Okay, take me to her." He said as he let out a pant. His eyes were somewhat glossed over as he spoke, as if he were in a trance of some sort.

"Alright, but first what are you?" I said gaining back control but still feeling safe in this situation no matter how hard I tried not to. I feel odd like I was meant to do this in a sense. His body seemed restless under mine.

He looked at me shocked and confused. "Werewolf' He choked out probably hoping this wasn't a joke my eyes widened in realization, then I thought to myself 'duh he's a werewolf, he just changed from wolf to human. Are you stupid or what?' The thing that scared me was that everything that was happening felt natural and safe when in reality all this was new to me.

"Okay" I said breathed out probably reassuring myself more than him. "Let's go" I had been feeling lightheaded since I tackled him but I hit me once I stood up. I think it's from the shock. I started walking with a naked man behind me. Imagine that. I didn't know how I knew which direction but knew where I was headed; to Ana Brigs.

"Up a few miles north I have clothes. I ran down here when I smelled you and your friend." He said trying to hide his excitement with boredness and doubt. It kind of sickened me knowing that if it hadn't been the fact that I was a freak of nature, Maria and I would have been his next meal. I hide my cringe by concentrating on the crunching of the nature under our feet.

"I know I can smell it." I said before I realized it. Now that I said it, I really can smell better and see a little better, other than my dizziness, I feel more alert.

"You can?" He asked quizzically and slightly doubting voice. "Wait what are anyways?" I stopped walking once I heard that. His voice seemed slightly condescending.

"I don't know" I said frustrated with myself as I threw my hands up in the air.

"What do you mean you don't know!?! You are bringing me to my mate and your saying you don't know! What the hell!" He said with accusingly and rage. His eyes were now a light yellow that was almost piercing. I had to admit to myself even though I was fighting with him, he really is intimidating.

"I said I don't know, but I am more sure than ever who and where your mate is more than I have ever felt before!!!" I said mad that he could say that though I could see where he was coming from. If a stranger was leading me to something that I love purely on trust, that could be false and would instead me to my death, I would be acting like him to.

"Whatever, you better not try to sabotage me or I will kill you." He said pointedly still walking behind me so I can't see him but I know he probably looks like a parent telling their child to be safe.

I chuckled lightly at his thread. "I am not and it's not like you could kill me with how easily I tackled you even when you were in a fighting position." I said feeling powerful for some reason unknown. I had ducked out of instinct that made it feel as if my legs had just given out. I hadn't known know why until I saw the same wolf from earlier fly over my head just in time for it to miss me by inches. I swear if he does that again I am going to punch him in his snout.

"Oh shut up and shift back" I said in the same voice as earlier after I heard him growl loudly at me. I got up from my crouched position and started walking away. I knew he shifted and started following me after I heard bones crack and the continuous crunch of snow, twigs, and the remainder of what is left of the fallen leaves in December breaking after me.

"What's your name and why aren't you cold?" I said trying to make conversation in this awkward situation. I also hate silence so it worked out.

"Jase, and because I am a werewolf I don't get cold. I still can't believe you didn't know of a werewolf but knew what a mate was and to shift." He said in a harsh yet tired voice. His hands would periodically run through his dirty and tangled hair. It was a little passed his ears and a caramel brown.

"Well excuse me the only reason I know what those are is because of observation. To shift is to change from wolf to human and a mate is person close to you." I said trying to redeem myself "I am Scarlett by the way."

"A mate isn't just someone close to you," he said scoffing lightly. "It's someone made for you that the moon goddess appointed. A mate is perfect and can make you happy no matter what. They are more than close to you; they are your other half. They complete you." He said dreamily. His eyes were slightly glazed over as he was consumed by his thoughts.

"Well we are here lover boy, so get dressed and we will be on our way to your other half." I said with a chuckle. I was now more curious about a mate more than ever.

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