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My breath was quick but quiet. I was trying to keep a low profile as I would drop objects into the dirt every once in a while. These woods were dense and had most of the same trees as mine did. The woods I was in surrounded the kingdom and even extended slightly through some pack houses.The smells and sounds were overwhelming, and there were often times I would end up just plugging my nose.

I kept thinking of worst case scenarios where Jason would try to take me, and I couldn't beat him up due to some potion his mom brewed up. There was also the possibility Xavier could find me and then we would both die. All those were not appreciated.

The objects weren't anything specific. There were pieces of cut up cloth, small stuffed animal, really anything that would cling to my scent. Gemma and Onyx were to wait for me at their hole in the ground they called their home. When I got there, I was to train so I would sweat. The sweat would cause my scent to become more concentrated.

I could hear a snapping noise off in the distance making my head snap in the direction in which it came from. I immediately smelt a scent that was unfamiliar to me. I could feel a slight sense of authority as the person or whatever it was came closer. I closed off my scent and jumped up the tree, climbing it as fast I could to the top most branch. I looked down to see nothing. I leaped to the next tree over to get better view of my surroundings.

"I thought I smelt something over here, but then it just disappears, alpha." I heard the person say. I didn't see their lips move so I was confused. After a few seconds, I realized that it was his mindlink. When did I start being able to do that? Was that also what the drugs stopped myself from being able to do?

After a while, I saw the man nod as if he was agreeing to the person he was talking to. I guess I can't here what the other end says. "Where are you?" The man whispered to himself as he surveyed the area.

He started to walk off making me release my breath I was holding. Then, he stopped. Oh no, I bet you he heard me. Then I am going to be killed. I will never be able to see my Ruby or my mate ever again.

Though, that wasn't the case. He crouched down and picked up one of the stuffed animals I had just recently dropped. His head snapped up to mine, looking me in the eyes. I stopped breathing and stared back with wide eyes.

"Don't do anything, let me explain first." I said to him as I jumped down from the tall tree. I saw his look of shock as he noticed I didn't break anything from the jump. "Just listen before you contact your alpha." I said to him as I raised my hands to him.

"I don't negotiate with rouges." He said firmly.

"I am not a rouge. As a matter of fact, I am not a werewolf or vampire. If you hear me out, you will understand." I said to in a calm and clear voice.

"Go." He ordered in an authoritative voice and nodded at me with his head telling me to start.

"I am Scarlett. I am sure you know Xavier?" I said as I paused for his clarification. I continued as I saw him nod slightly. "Well, I am his mate and as you know I can't look at his face until I turn 18. I am 18 in two days counting today, and I was leaving my scent so he could find me before someone else does. I need for you to have him continue this trail himself and none of his gammas. They cannot know. I want you to make an excuse as to why he has to do it. Do not at any time let your Gammas know that my scent was ever picked up. I would normally come to him once I turned 18, but there is someone who was faking to be my mate and mate with me before Xavier can. If your Gammas find out, I will be taken away from before he go the chance to have me." I said in a summary.

"Why should I believe you?" He asked with soft eyes instead of his once before hard and guarded ones.

"I don't want to mate to someone I don't love and isn't mine ." I said as my voice broke at the end.

"Why can't just call down the gamma family and kill them?" He asked as if it was the most obvious solution to our problems.

"If one of them gets away, I am screwed and so would your Alpha." I said simply.

"I won't let it happen." He said insistently.

"Please just do as I say, I really don't want to use my Alpha voice on you." I said desperately.

"I am going to believe you, please don't let me down." The man said as he turned away and walked as he was before.

"Thank you." I whispered as I continued my earlier task.


My wondering continued for at least another three hours, making four trips back and forth instead of the original three we, meaning Onyx and Gemma, had decided on. I decided to go back home and greet my Ruby. Hours went on as she played carlessly, though it seemed as though each time I would hear a noise, my heart would flip. Each time, it was never who I wanted it to be. Sometimes I just wish I could hide out and then when the time came I could just jump out of my mates bedroom closet and be like, "Hey, its me, your mate." Though that is, first of all, very unrealistic, and second of all, very creepy.

"Sarlett." Ruby said as she slapped my leg, in order to capture my attention.

I blinked a few times as if to clear my mind and then said, "I am sorry Ruby. I am doing it again, aren't I?" My words were apologetic.

"Yes." She said with pouted lips and a voice that would make you melt into a puddle of guilt. "Are you okay?" She said as she plopped her butt down on to the ground and I brought myself into the same position.

"I will be if we can go get icee's." I said with a big smile. I really did feel bad about how I had been constantly staring off into space while she was trying to play around with me. Its a good thing I know she loves icee's or I would be in trouble more often than not with her.

"Well, let's get going." I said to her as I picked her up and made it so her legs were on either side of my waist.

"Ruby and I are leaving for half an hour to get icee's!" I yelled to anyone listening in the house. I picked up my wallet and opened the door. What I saw next made my heart drop and my arms clutch onto Ruby as if her life depended on it. Though, at this moment, I wasn't sure if it would or not.

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