Told You

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I slowly opened the door open. I could tell both Jase and Ana were waiting right behind the door, and by their increased heartbeat they knew of my presence too. I pushed it open all the way, only to meet by the worried and slightly flustered faces of the couple.

“Where the hell were you and why did you break the window!?!” I heard Jase yell angrily at me with his arms folded. I honestly did feel bad for just up and leaving right after the took care of me while I was in a coma or whatever the hell it was called.

“I’m sorry. I will get it replaced with the money I get from the gas station.” I said trying to calm him down as I sat down on an old musty smelling chair that made an ‘oomph’ when I sat.

Jase ran a hand down his face in a stressed manner. Ana put the hand lovingly on his bicep as she turned her attention towards me. “Why did you leave, sweetheart.” She said calmly.

“It was getting to be a little too much and I needed time to cool down. It’s just a lot to handle.” I said stressfully. I didn’t feel like telling them in detail why I ran out like that.

After a few seconds of silence I decided to lift the spirits and tell them some good news. “Oh, and when I was out there I met a rouge and gave him his mates whereabouts with my gift.” I said smiling at the two of them.

Jase’s head snapped up to mine with an even angrier look. “Do you understand the danger you put yourself and us in with going around showing off your gift!?! You could get us killed! I have a baby on the way and all you’re thinking about is your stupid gift! Stop being so stupid and selfish for once and think of somebody other than yourself! All your gift has given us is my mate and all your stupid health problems! Can you for once just stop being the middle of attention and do something useful for once!” Jase ranted with his body shaking rapidly.

All I could do was staring at him wide eyed at first. After a few seconds of processing his words, I countered back, “I was the one who was taken away from my family at 13 and forced into a life of werewolves, and can't even remember her own god damn family. I was the one who started working a full time job for you two and bought you clothes and food. I was the one who brought you to your mate. You aren’t the one who has to be stuck with a gift that can put her in a coma for months. You are not the one who was put through agenizing pain every day and passes out of the blue. You aren’t the one who has to hold the big responsibility of giving somebody the most important thing to them. You aren’t the one who has to know every ones deepest darkest secrets just by waking up. You aren’t the one who at times can’t control themselves.” I said yelling at Jase’s cold face.

“You aren’t the one with a mate that they can’t meet until they turn 18. You aren’t the one who has to deal with fact that the person you will love you forever is literally miles away, and if I see them I die and so does he. I have to have the burden of knowing I could be his arms right now but I have to be here dealing with this gift alone. I have to be the one the moon goddess chose to push her rules on. I have to deal with knowing the fact that the one I truly madly deeply love this boy who happens to be a future alpha king. Don’t you think I feel intimidated by this?

"I have to control 2 races in 5 years. The saddest thing about all of it is I know I will go through all this to be with a boy that I have never even met. So can you blame me for wanting to give people what I don’t have? I think they deserve to be happy, even though I don’t.” I said still yelling at him through my sobs, but I started looking down near the end. I couldn’t stand to look at him.

I felt someone’s arms wrap around me. I looked up to be met with Ana’s tear stained face. “Sweetheart, we didn’t know about all that. When did you find out and when did you figure out you can't remember your family?” She said as she pulled my chin up so I looked up at her.

“The day I passed out, and about my family, that was just an hour or so ago.” I said softly trying to keep the tears from spilling out any further than they already have. I have to be strong for my sake.

“I am so sorry. We didn’t know that’s how you felt.” She said as I softly pushed myself out of her hold. She gave me a confused look as I walked towards the front door.

I pulled the door slightly open and looked up at Jase’s shocked and guilty face. “Don’t assume anything about me. I think we both know what will happen now. Don’t we?” I said as I pushed through the door with a frown itched onto my face.

I rushed down the steps of the porch and ran of sprinting on in a familiar direction. I ran faster than ever before, and it felt exhilarating. The wind was blowing my hair rapidly behind me, making me realize it was longer than before. My legs pumped fast wanting to feel the feeling stronger, making me see that they were slimmer and shapelier. It felt so much easier to breathe without feeling the familiar burn, making me realize my heartburn was gone. A large smile was graced on my face as I felt the wind blow on my cheeks and chill my teeth. My tongue became slightly dry, but nothing could bring me from my high.

Too soon I was at my destination. The gas station, and oh how I had some questions for Mr. Burns.

I updated! Please comment and vote. I am going to update later this week, so please stay tuned for more. Critism is welcome as long as it is constructive and not straight out mean. Thanks for reading!

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