Just Need Some Time

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The second I uttered those words it almost seemed as he shot a bottle rocket and he was the target trying to get away. I barely even go the chance to say “two” and he was already at his post facing forward and showing his neck for submission, luckily he picked that up from his beloved or he would have a very different fate.

I felt so powerful yet my sorrow weighed me down. Too many things had happened to me so recently for me to truly savor it. I let out a shaky breath and clenched and unclenched my fist. I repeated this repeatedly until I felt the pinch of on my hand as my nail quickly pierced the skin. I look down to my hand, seeing it close immediately, barely giving me enough time to register the pain with it.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder as a comfortable embrace minus the embracing part. “Calm down or you’re going to hurt someone or yourself.” I recognized the voice as Mr. Burns. I could tell he was worried about my sudden mood change, but at that point I just didn’t seem to care. I felt a sudden urge to run and clear my mind… and that’s exactly what I did.

I rushed out the door and slammed through the door hard enough I could of swore I heard the cracking of the glass. I could hear Mr. Burns from the distance yelling for me to come back, but I couldn’t stop. The tears that once soaked my cheeks were suddenly cold as I ran against the wind. At the same time with this I felt lighter than air. Even with me riding high, all my worries though seemed to press down on my shoulders bringing me to a halt.

I collapsed to my knees and hunched my back showing it to the sky. I cried all my pains, worries, insecurities, and all the problems I have created. I cried for my mate the most. It was so unfair that he knew the same thing as me and was going through the same things as me. No one should go through what I do. I miss my simple life as a human. It feels so wrong to say that. That means I wouldn’t have Ana, Jace, Mr. Burns, or my mate and I am not sure that’s a life worth living.

After wallowing in my own sorrows, I took a second to understand what to do now. I shouldn’t have freaked out like I did at Jace and Ana and I needed to apologize. I shouldn’t also hurt Ana, she hadn’t done anything. She also doesn’t need that stress with the baby. I don’t feel guilty that I said that stuff to Jace, but I shouldn’t have done it in front of Ana or brought up things that they didn’t know about.

I pushed my palms on the ground and lifted my body up with no grace at all. My body still racked with sobs of pain, I took in my surroundings. I recognized it as the same place I caught the deer before I passed a few days, I mean months ago. Gosh this coma stuff really messed me up good. While pushing my legs forward, I jogged at a run pace that would a vampires pace to any supernaturals, but a blur of color to humans.

Smells overwhelmed my nose as I pushed myself faster. I could smell the sap oozing from the trees and the fresh grass just coming back to life from the harsh winter. All this together made the heavenly smell of the woods.

I dug my heels in the damp ground as I sighted the cabin. I skidded across the ground do to the dew left on the grass from a rain shower the day before. As I grabbed onto the post that kept the roof above the porch up, I heard shuffling from inside the home.

I only got up two of the three steps when Ana came to the door and peaked her head out to see if it was really me. I gave her a sheepish smile and went up the last step remaining.

She flung the door wide up, surely breaking something that lay on the other side, and threw her arms around me in a tight embrace. I was so shocked I didn’t even hug her back until she squeezed me a little harder. I put my arms carefully around her belly and rested them gently on her back.

She sobbed and murmured sad words into my hair that I couldn’t quite understand. “Let’s go inside and talk.” I said after a few minutes of trying to translate what it is she said.

She slowly took her hands from my sides and pushed my shoulders back a little so she could look at me better. I gasped loudly. Her eyes were tear stains, surely not just from right now. She must have been crying while I was gone. Her eyes were sunken slightly and her shoulders kept bouncing in and out as she tried to hold back her sobs. It suddenly dawned on me that Jace was nowhere in sight and that his scent wasn’t strong enough for him to be in the cabin.

“Ana, where is Jace?” I said as I guided her into the living room. I noticed some things were shattered showing that someone must have had a tantrum. It couldn’t have been Ana with her being pregnant and all, so it must have been Jace.

“He went out looking for you once he made this mess, which was also after you left. Scarlett I am so sorry, I –“Ana said sadly, now that her sobs had passed.

“Wait, you’re saying Jace did this because I left! He is such an asshole lately; he should be putting you through all that stress with the baby and all.” I said interrupting her from apologizing for something her mate did and put the blame on her own self.

“It wasn’t that bad.” I heard Ana whisper quietly.

 Then as if on cue Jace came strutting while he huffed and puffed from being out of breath. I never knew I would ever get the chance to say this, but his presence right now almost made me want to cringe in disgust. Instead I put on an angry face and prepared myself to let him feel my fury.

Sorry for the late update, I feel so horrible. I am so mean, but please don’t hate me for it! I had a snow day so I thought, why not update. I was thinking about starting a new story, but it won’t be out until the weekend, and this will be updated also. Please comment and vote. I love hearing your guys’ thoughts on it. Comments motivate me to update too!*hint hint* Any ways it will be the same as last time though, if I get two comments, you guys get an immediate update, so please take advantage of it. If you guys get confused later on in the book because something is different, remember to read the chapter changes made so you guys can keep up. If there are still any confusions on where things are headed, don’t be afraid to comment or send me a message on my inbox. Thanks for reading lovelies!

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