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So it's been a little over a week since the hospital visit and I am getting more and more nervous as the days come. Three days. Well technically two full days because I was counting today, but that's beside the point. There is three days until I see my mate. I can't even comprehend this. I will finally be fully happy.

I even got this cute dress that costed close to nothing because it was on clearance. Go me! It's white lace on the top and a soft floral pink on the bottom. It's a high low.

I have been running more lately to help the time to go by faster. It feels like its been at least a year, though it's only been a week. My energy level has been at a hundred percent so I have been playing around with Ruby a lot more, she loves it. Once she is asleep I am training or cleaning. A cycle really.

Of all things I am going to miss once I leave, is going to be my family. I see them everyday now, and then it's like all of a sudden they are just going to be gone. I know I will see them once in a while, but I feel like I will go through Ruby withdrawals. Like she's the cutest, most perfect thing on this Earth. How can I willing walk away from that?

"Scarlett!" I heard a voice scream, then my Ruby running into my room. I wouldn't of been able to hear them otherwise if the song I was listening to on my iPod hadn't ended.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I said nervously and picked up Ruby. Tears were streaming down her face making me say, "You stay in here and his under the desk. I will go check on Mama and Daddy." I said as I sat her down with one of my blankets.

I slowly opened the door, hearing the sound of struggle, but no words being spoken. I walked slowly and picked up the vase that stood on the little table in the hallway. If something was there, I was going to kill it. When I reached the end of the hallway I peaked around the corner, I saw Jace and Ana being held down by none other than Gemma and Onyx.

"Don't make me have to beat up you guys again." I said as I stood in full view of the four of them. Their eyes all looked up at me and both Jace and Ana's looked shocked yet scared.

"I don't think that will be needed." Onyx said gruffly.

"Why is that?" I asked as I leaned against the sofa.

"We realized that knocking you out and then talking to you doesn't work." Gemma said as both of them moved their hands into the snapping position.

"Then what does?" I asked trying not to show how nervous I was to hear their answer.

"We threaten to kill these two if you don't come with us." Gemma said simply.

"What is it exactly that you want to talk to me about then that you are so insistent to tell me about? If it is about how Xavier kissed your ass then-" I said before I was cut off by Onyx's voice.

"Not this time, this one is a million times more important." Onyx said sounding as if he needed to prove himself.

"We can even promise you that once we are done talking we will take you back here, but you can never talk to anyone about it other than us." Gemma said as she grunted from trying to hold back Ana.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked. I can't trust the people, they beat me up only a week earlier.

"I will give you a loaded sliver bullet gun so you can defend yourself." Onyx said as he kicked a gun across the floor to me.

I picked it up slowly, watching their every move. The bullets looked real and so did the gun. I shook one of the bullets out and said, "Let me put this up to your skin to see if it burns you. Then I will go with you." I said knowing these could easily be faked.

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