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The bell rang as I pushed the glass door open; causing the middle aged man to look up to see who was entering. I instantly recognized who he was, only seconds after looking while I registered the man. His name was Jeff, and he had two children who were both girls. Their names were Sarah and Jessica, and were hybrids between a vampire and werewolf. Though, judging by his smell, he was a vampire and his beloved was a werewolf. It was interesting mix, though it wasn’t unheard of. They also, with my luck, is in my mates pack.

I was like a flash of information, almost scorching my brain in the process. It didn’t hurt, but I just made me feel more awake and alive. Though that wasn’t the only thing that pretty much slapped me in the face, it was the smells. Oh, the smells. It smelt of cinnamon buns, old granola bars, fizzy soda, and lemon cleaning supplies, a weird mixture, but strangely pleasant. That was going to take some getting used to.

“How can I help you?” I heard the man croak out. My head snapped towards him, effectively pulling me from his daze. The man bowed slightly to me and showed his neck in submission. I had never realized just how much power was rolling off of me.

“May I please talk to Mr. Burns? It is kind of urgent.” I said softening my gaze, hoping to ease his fright.

Before he could answer, and as if on cue, Mr. Burns comes strutting in with a bright smile on his face. His smile narrowed a little as he took in a huge whiff of the air, as I couldn’t take long breaths because that meant I would be over powered with the smell. After I took a few more shallow breaths, Mr. Burns’s smile went back to its original wide stance. “I knew I smelt something familiar, a little tainted, but still familiar. How about you pick a drink and snack, then we can talk in my office?”

I couldn’t help but dig my nails into my fleshy palm, trying not to show my impatience. “How about I get the food later, and we talk now? It is really urgent.” I said not even realizing I let off power with each word, until after. Quickly after I added softly, “Ugh, I am sorry I just don’t know how to control this.”

Mr. Burns’s flattened and nodded his head sympathetically. I pushed my way into his office once I saw his hand gesture toward the room. After plopping down in the comfortable red chair that was placed across the desk, he sat down.

“What is happening?” I asked frustrated while I ran my hands though my now loosely curled hair. Even my hair is different, what was next?

“Well, I am sure Ana bombarded you with information when you woke up like she did when she came every day for the past few months.” He said laughing slightly. I physically felt like I could laugh with my current frustration, so all I did was let a slight smile creep on my face. Though I was hunched over and Mr. Burns couldn’t see me, I could tell he feels my scent coming of lighter, as my emotions were lightening up. “How about we go back and forth with questions, but I get to start. Trust me it will help me learn more about you and your… situation.”

“Fine” I sighed. If this was the only way to understand all this better, then I guess I could answer a few questions.

“Why do I smell rouge on you? Don’t even try to give me the crap about how it is Ana or Jase. I already know what they smell like, and that is not their smell.” He said looking more and more, stern with each word he spoke.

“I gave a mate to a rouge. Please don’t give me the crap about how it was dangerous and I could have got hurt. I can handle myself. Also don’t say anything about how risky it was, the pack his mate is in is pretty lenient for a pack. Anyways if she is like how I see her, she should be on his trail the second she picks up his smell.” I said confidently.

“Don’t worry, I trust your judgment.” He said curtly.

I was a little taken aback by his answer, though if his earlier confession explained anything, him and his wolf trusted me, so it wasn’t exactly to be unexpected. “Alright, thank you. Now, has so much of my body changed?” I knew Ana said something about how it was energy efficient, or something like that, but I really I wanted know some details.

“That, my dear, is for many reasons. But to put into perspective, you are literally perfectly made. You lost 2 inches, making you 5’8. Your jaw was widened, making your sleep apnea so disappear. Your boned are too hard to break, yet they are light weight so you can run easily. Your muscles are stronger than any other person alive, werewolf or vampire, beside your mate. Though your muscles don’t show and have close to no weight. The rest of it is for you to make sure you are irresistible to your mate.” I was honestly astonished by his calm voice, but even more by the words coming out. I am perfect? No, that can’t be. There is no such thing. Every day of my life with my human family, I was told there was no such thing as perfect, and here I am as a perfect example. There I am again with perfect.

“That messed up.” I breathed out as I leaned back into the chair.

“Why do you say that?” He said curiously.

“How can one person are given so much power. I don’t want to be perfect. I want to be me, and not a living example of everything my parents told me didn’t exist in this world. Perfect, Supernatural, and Powerful.” By this time I was letting tears silently fall as I became more and more hysterical.

All of a sudden I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, making me and the person jerk away. “You are really hot, Scarlett. You feel like you’re on fire. What’s wrong?” I heard Mr. Burns trying to calm down himself and not let his panic seep through his words.

I felt a wave of heat and frustration roll over me. “I don’t know. I don’t know why I am hot. I don’t know why I am so powerful. I don’t know why I was chosen for this. I don’t know why I have the gift. I don’t why the moon goddess in her right mind would pick me to fulfill her beliefs. I don’t know why my mate and I were chosen to be the couple that would die if we saw each other. I just don’t know why.” I sobbed out I held my knees to my chest.

I got up quickly and made a bolt for the exit. I slam the door open and see the man from earlier fall onto the floor. HE HAD BEEN EASEDROPPING. Now his snoopy ass knows. I reach down and pull the man up from his collar. I ignore Mr. Burns and Jeff’s pleads. “You nosey son of a bitch! You have three seconds to get your ass to that counter or I will have your ass taxidermied and put on a mantle to show off in my living room!”

I dropped his body back down and bent lower so I was only a foot from his face and whispered sinisterly to him, “One.”

~Tell me what you guys think! I don’t know if this was okay, but I would really like some of your guy’s feedback. If it is constructive, I will take the Critism. Please vote and comment. I might update again tomorrow or later tonight, but no promises. 2 comments will get you and immediate update! Thank you for reading! ~

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