Why Aren't They Listening to Me?

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We were just a few feet from the North Valley pack border. I could see Jase from the corner of my eye trembling with either fear or nervousness, but I think it was a little of both.

"Calm down Jase, my gift will guide us to your mate safely. Also, your mate will love you, so don't worry." I whispered to Jase putting my hand on top of his shoulder.

"Try telling Alec that." He said snarky.

"Who?" I asked while retrieving my hand from his shoulder.

He stared at me for a second as if I was dumb, but then realization dawned on him that I know practically nothing about werewolves. "My wolf." he said in a restless tone.

"Okay, I will." I said confidence. I shifted my body so I was facing him instead of the side of him.

"Are serious?" he said shocked by my reply.

"Yeah, come on. We don't have all day." I said feeling sort of anxious. I had talked to his wolf once and apparently it trusts me with his life so I didn't see how bad it could be too.

"Alright, then." he said. He closed his eyes and when he opened them they were yellow. My eyes widened then seized as felt the same wave of calmness come over me.

"My gift has brought you to your mate today by fate and the Moon Goddess." I said to his wolf. "You were meant for each other so therefore she will love in any shape you come to her in. All you can do is treat her with the same acceptance. Just think about ways to love her when you meet, not about all those negative things, they won't do you any good." I finished hoping it would help. His eyes proved to be a sign that it worked because slowly the yellow receded leaving his naturally dark brown eyes.

"Thank you," Jase said with a relieved sigh. "He finally stopped pacing, but now he won't shut up about all the nasty things he will do to her." He said looking a little hot and bothered making me laugh.

"Well let's get-" I ended abruptly when I smelt others. "Get ready" I said to Jase right before a flood of werewolves cane through the trees already in there fighting position. I put my hand out to Jase in a way telling him stay put.

"Can I please talk to your alpha?" I said with confidence but only to here wolfy laughs erupt from the wolves standing before me that sounded more like someone hacking up some flem from their throat. I quickly became annoyed with their disobedience.

"I said let me speak to you alpha now!" I said using the most 'alpha' tone I ever had.

The wolves bowed there head in respect but only made me angrier because they had not done as I said.

"I said now!" I said with even more alpha tone making me almost cringe at my own voice. There was no way they could disobey me even if they wanted to with my booming voice.

"They are mind linking there alpha right now. Don't worry." I heard whisper into my ear in reassurance. I nodded my head hoping that meant there alpha would be here soon. A wolf shifted in front of me causing my head to turn to give him or her privacy.

"He will be here any moment," I heard a gruff voice say " I am Beta Sean and you can look now." He added with a nervous chuckle.

I turned my head back to the group seeing that Beta Sean had a pair of basketball shorts on from some place unknown, "Good" I said.

"How do you have such a strong alpha tone if you are a girl and you don't even smell like a werewolf?" Beta Sean asked curiously and at the same time I could tell my his flickering eyes he also was seeing how much of a threat I really was, only adding to his confusion seeing just how unthreatening I really was.

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