Sleep Problems

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I woke up in the morning with my eyes painfully throbbing from my constant crying last night. The worst thing was that it seemed that every dream I had was somehow about Xavier, and when I tried to look at his body, it was just a blur of colors. After waking up three times in a row, I just gave up. So know, I have been up for 4 hours straight since it is 5 now.

I was turned on my side as I stared out the small window. The scene was very mysterious and maybe even disturbing to some. The crescent moon was staring back at me as I scanned the tree line with my eyes. I took in  its every detail and soon its creepiness turned into something that almost seemed tolerable and maybe even joyful. Peaceful perhaps.

My ear twitched as I heard someone moving in the house. Jace and Ana went to sleep at 9, 8 hours ago. The steps became louder as they neared my door. I heard the seeming loud noise of the door opening in the quiet house, making my body jump slightly. The scent of Ana overwhelmed me as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

“Scarlett, I know you are awake. I have been awake since you first started screaming.” Ana said in a gloomy whisper.

“I first started what?” I croaked as I turned to face her figure.

“You were screaming for Xavier.” She said as her shoulders hunched. “Jace went back to sleep. You did it 3 times. I am so sorry that you have to go through with this.” She said as her voice came out into sobs.

I quickly regained myself as I lifted my body to wrap Ana in my arms. She quickly accepted my touch and leaned in hoping for comfort. I let my tears flow as hers also did.

I hated this feeling.

Feeling like I am helpless and pathetic. I hated feeling like everything was against me. I felt like my life was meant to be an experiment for the moon goddess. I hate her. She keeps me from my mate, causes me pain, and causes me to lose everyone I loved in my human life, and to top it off she doesn’t even let me remember them.

Why me? This is the same question that has puzzled me from the very beginning. Why was I chosen for all this? Though, when you are left awake for 4 hours with boredom eating at your mind, you usually start thinking.

I have finally came to the conclusion that I must have done something that God didn’t like and decided I deserved a life of torture. That is the only logical conclusion I have come up with.

“You should talk to Mr. Burns.” Ana stated as she pulled away from my shoulder.

“Why?” I questioned with a curious look on my face.

“He might be able to help you, maybe keep your mind off of everything.” She said as she tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

“I will.” I said with a sigh. I leaned back onto the no existent head board as I watched Ana. She seemed very tired, and I couldn’t help but feel it was all my fault.

“I think you should go now.” She said with a hard look on her face. It hurt to see such a cheery and kind person with such a distressed look. She deserved better than all of this.

“He probably isn’t even awake, let alone at the gas station.” I said with a curious look on my face still. I didn’t understand why she was being so adamant about it. It was 5 o’clock in the morning. Normal people shouldn’t be up at this time.

“He just texted me a few minutes ago saying he wanted to talk to you as soon as he could, and that he will be waiting at the gas station for you.” She said with a determined look taking over her face.

“Why is he awake at this time?” I asked.

“Xavier came to him saying that your soul had been calling out to him since you went to sleep. Then he told him to go check on you and talk to you to make sure you’re okay. Therefore you should go talk to him.” She said with a solemn gaze on me.

“I was calling out to Xavier?” I choked out. I couldn’t help but feel guilty; I was just making this harder for him than it needed to be. Xavier didn’t deserve this. No one does.

“Mr. Burns will explain the whole thing to you when you get there, now go.” She said as she pulled me up from the bed and shoved me towards the doorway.

“Want me out of house that bad, huh?” I said as I walked down the hallway and into the living room.

“Of course not.” She said as she literally pushed me out the front door.

The slight breeze felt refreshing on my cool skin. Though the air was exhilarating, exhaustion was still taking over every cell of my body, but I knew that there was something more important I had to do.

I needed to figure out how to shut off my soul’s phone, so it couldn’t keep calling Xavier’s.

Hello Peepola! I just wanted to say that I am so happy for all the reads I have on this story, along with all the comments and votes I get! Keep commenting and voting because I love the feedback. Just so you know, they both are great motivators for me to update hint hint! Keep up the reading, love you guys!

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