Good Luck

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"Taste good?" I asked when I notice Onyx scarfing down the meat.

"When you haven't eaten in 2 full days, I think you would act like I do, if not worse." He said in a snarky tone.

"I have and I did." I said to him not looking directly at him but in the corner of my eyes as I faced the fire. "I was actually wondering if it tasted good." I said genuinely.

"Oh," He said shifting uncomfortably, and then answered, "It tastes really good. Thanks." He never looked at me while he spoke. I figured it was just because he wasn't the type of person to say thanks or show appreciation. He just carried himself as the kind of person who didn't show appreciation unless absolutely necessary.

"You are welcome." I said while smiling warmly at him. "How about we get to the point, huh? What can I do to get you to trust me?" I said turning my head towards him. When I noticed he hadn't answered or didn't have an answer I added, "I can talk to your inner wolf you know? When I do they can sense if I am lying or not, it's actually pretty cool and handy." I said leaning back on my hands as I sat with my legs straight out.

"You did feed me, so I guess we could try. It is the least I could do." He said as he turned toward me with a unsure look on his face.

I turned by body towards him and took his face in my hands so I could look more intently. I instantly felt a wave of power and connection rush through me. Apparently he did too with the way he tried to jerk away from my hold. "Keep looking at me Onyx." I said calmly, yet assertively.

He looked frightened and as time went on, his face became vulnerable so I took my opportunity, "I am Scarlett Johanson, and I have the gift to give others there mate's whereabouts without them ever meeting. This might sound crazy, but I am telling you nothing but truth. I have united 2 pairs of mates, and I would like to make you and your mate, Gemma, my third. The moon goddess has gifted me with this and I would like for you to put away all your mate insecurities and worries and just let me guide you to her. Please." I said calmly and respectively.

We stared into each other's eyes for another 5 minutes. Once I saw him bow his head slightly to me, I released his face and scooted back a little so I wasn't so close to him. I turned my gaze back to fire as I waited for him to collect his thoughts.

It had only been a few minutes later when I heard him say, "Why would she want me?" He scoffed, but I could tell he felt sad by the fact of a mate not wanting him.

I was shocked by his mood change I turned to him and quickly scooted closer to him. I placed my hand on Onyx's arm. "I know everything about your mate, I haven't met her personally, but I can tell you she is one of the most supportive, excepting, and patient werewolf out there. As long as you try your hardest, she will give you all the time you need to heal and she would sort out your problems with you. I have no doubt. You are very lucky to be gifted with her and as she is you." I said confidently as I reassured him his worries were meaningless.

"How do you know I have problems and need to 'heal' ?" He looked at me curiously.

A laugh bubbled up from my throat as I said "I know everything, Onyx." I said and added with a whisper. "It's my skills." I tried to stay serious, but then I gave into a full blown smile and loud laugh that boomed through the trees.

I could hear light Onyx's chuckle under my laugh. "Try being carefree with her, she would love to feel like she is the only one who gets to see you like that. I know that for a matter of fact. She is the type of girl that loves making others happy, so try to make her feel like she is the only who can get you to be that." I said not looking at him.

"What makes you think I am always serious?" He said curiously.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that this is the first time I have seem you smile, let alone laugh." I said with airy laughs laced throughout my words.

"Thanks, that makes me feel great." Onyx said sarcastically.

I got up and walked over to the tool shed Jase and Ana made and took out a paper and pen. I started to write down Gemma, his mates, whereabouts. Once I finished I gathered some supplies it thought he would need for his trip.

"Here." I said as I handed him the paper and threw a water bottle and some food at him so when he would leave he wouldn't starve or anything.

"What's this?" he said as he picked up the note and read it.

"For when you go look for your mate. What did you think, I was just going tell you I know her but not give you anything to get started. I am not that cruel." I said as I took a sip of my own water.

"I guess your right, I just didn't think you would straight up tell me exactly where she is." he said as he started gathering his things.

"Well you go have fun," I said with a yawn, "I am going to go take a nap." I said while turning my back to him and walking away.

I was abruptly stopped in my tracks by Onyx's hand latched on my wrist. "Thank you, for everything." he said sincerely as he looked into my eyes.

All I did was nod my head as I pushed myself forward and walked up to the cabins' from door. I knew the second I walked in there I was going to have to explain why I broke the window and why I smell like a rouge, but all I could do was hope for the best.


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