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"Who are you?" The tall, menacing guard asked at the entrance of the gate.

I opened my mouth to speak my name, but Mr. Burns beat me to it. "Gamma Burns." His voice sounded dry. I leaned back in my seat so the guard could get a better look at him.

"Oh my, go through. I will make sure there is a doctor already waiting at the hospital." He said sounding slightly panicked and nervous for Mr. Burns safety.

"Where do I go from here?" I asked as I slowly went through the gate.

"Keep going straight and when you see the library, turn right. It's a straight shot from there." He said as he leaned his head against the glass window.

"Okay." I said more to myself than anybody and speed at least to a good 80 miles down the gravel road. When we turned sharply, I could hear Mr. Burns' groans. I slowed down hoping to lessen his pain.

"No! Keep driving fast. Don't worry about me." He said making me stop the car all together.

I hopped out if my seat, making other families around me stop and stare. I opened Mr. Burns door making him stare at me in confusion and shock.

"I am going to carry you the rest of the way. I am faster than this car." I said as I lifted him into my arms and ran faster than I ever had before. Every time before this that I had ran, I felt like I might me flying, but this time I felt heavy with despair. I couldn't stand seeing someone like Mr. Burns be hurt because of me.

"Ugh." He said as I stopped at then entrance of the building. The doors opened and many nurses and doctors stared at me in amazement and panic.

"Well don't just stand there, save him." I yelled at the idiotic people. They seemed to break from their trance and bring a gurney forward. I laid him down carefully on his back making him wince.

"I am going to go get your mate." I said as I bolted off out of the room. my legs pounded on the ground for probably two minutes but felt like hours. I stopped feeling slightly out of breath at my destination. The house looked exactly like how Mr. Burns would describe it to me when I needed someone to get my mind off of all my problems. It had three green shrubs that were perfectly rounded, a small American flag that blew in the wind next to their door, and the house itself was a yellow one story. It was quaint and had a wrap around porch.

"Leslie!" I yelled as I ran to the front of the porch. The name came out more as a pant if anything.

Before I could make a move to open the door, a woman with short brown hair came out of the house with a confused look on her face. She was drying her hands clean with a white hand towel. Her eyes immediatly went down to my shirt, seeing as it was covered in blood. Her nose flared as she took in the scent of her husband that still lingered strong on my skin. "What is it, dear?" She asked in a concerned voice and came slightly closer to me.

"Mr. Burns, he is hurt bad. Let me take you to him." I said quickly. My words came out in short phrases due to my lack of breath.

The towel in her hand dropped and she said sounding rushed, "Well go on dear, show me the way."

I raised my hand to her and said, "Let me carry you, it would be much faster that way. I don't know if Mr. Burns has ever told you, but I am Scarlett and-"

"Say no more, just take me to him." She said and walked toward me. She stood in front of me and looked at me with an uncomfortable expression.

I nodded to her slightly and picked up the petite woman in the bridal position and began running back to the hospital. I could tell she was scared due to the way she rapped her arms around my shoulders and clutched on for dear life. Her eyes were screwed shut and her breathing was unsteady. Though I am sure my running wasn't the only thing frightening her, I was whether Mr. Burns would live on not. They were mates and true loves, it was only reasonable that she would feel that way.

I recognize the entrance to the hospital wing and stopped at the doors. I put her down lightly and before I knew it she ran inside demanding to see her husband to the receptionist. So this is what Mr. Burns spoke of so dearly, her fiery attitude.

Before I knew it she had mosied her way on in to the room that was just screaming depressing. He had an IV stuck into his arm and gause wrapped around his stomach. His eyes were screwed shut into what I assumed to be pain.

"Reggie!" She yelled as she assumed the position of kneeling beside him. They exchanged loving words to each other and I couldn't help but sigh in want. I wish I had someone to love so strongly and worry about day in and day out physically. Ruby is my world right now, but I want someone I feel that way too, but also romantically.

I turned away from the two and started for the door. "Wait! I didn't get the chance to thank you!" Leslie yelled to me before I could make it out the door.

"There is no need." I said to her as I smiled toward the two of them.

"Of course there is! You saved my mates life and risked your own. How could I not thank you?" She said as she squeezed her husbands' hand.

"He has done the same for me many a time." I said softly.

"Either way, I am forever in debt to you. Thank you." She said to me with a grateful look on her face.

"Your welcome." I said as started to turn away. As I opened the door I caught a scent of something I had only smelled in my dreams.

"Hide me!" I yelled as I turned toward them abruptly.

"Why would we do that dear?" She asked as Mr. Burns look at me in realization.

"Get into the bathroom for now. I will tell him you are in there so he won't look in there. After he leaves, so can you." Mr. Burns said as he pointed to the small doorway.

"Thank you!" I whisper yelled and ran into the dark room. The light automatically turned on as I walked in and closed the door. There was a small toilet, sink, and a shower that was barely big enough to stand in.

I closed my eyes and tried controlling my breathing as I waited for him to come in.

I heard a shuffling in the room and then someone say, "Is she in here?" My breath caught I my throat as I heard his voice.

"Yes she is Xavier, and she is fine." Mr. Burns said calmly as if he was trying to tame a lion.

"Are you sure?" He said carefully.

"Yes she is fine, now if you close your eyes, then she can leave." Mr. Burns said sounding exhausted.

"No, I want to hold her first." He said quickly.

"Your going to have to close your eyes either way." He said shortly. "Could you got Scarlett, dear?" I heard him ask Leslie softly. It was weird to hear how quickly his attitude changed around her.

I was screwing my eyes shut as I stood there waiting for Leslie to come. My hands tightened around the seam of my jean shorts. "Just take my hand sweetheart." She said to me, not realizing that she had already opened the door.

"Okay." I whispered as she pulled my along until my hand was lifted and rested on someone's warm shoulders.

The sparks I felt were unbelievable and make me want to moan right then and there. "There you are sweetheart." I heard Xavier whisper in my ear as he embraced me in his arms.

I AM ON A ROLL LATELY!!! Woah I am awesome! Anyways, braces suck and the fault in our stars is too perfect for words. I cried so much I was sobbing, and it was not pretty. Though throughout the whole movie there were these old ladies sitting beside me who was practically narrating the WHOLE MOVIE! I was so close to back handing them out of that theater, but I didn't and held strong. On a funny note, someone farted during a supposedly intimate part between the two parts and expressed how much they loved each other. I think it was unhealthy how much I laughed at that and everyone else I the theater did. At first I thought it was Augustus in the movie who did, but then I was like 'no that was a human being'. Ah, good times. Anyways, comment and vote on the book and I will most likely end up putting up my next update faster. Love you guys so much, stay tuned for more soon!

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