Something Is Wrong

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My hands clenched at my side as I stared at Jace. His cocky and confident attitude was shredded to pieces as my furious gaze burned into him, making him flinch at its intensity.

He had opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him before the words could tumble out of his mouth. "How dare you fucking leave your 4 month pregnant mate sitting in a cabin crying her eyes out all alone? Do realize what could have happened Jace! A rouge could have just fucking strutted in here, taken all the supplies they needed, and done whatever they wanted to her, and trust me, there isn't a high chance they would show mercy because she is pregnant." I ranted while getting closer and closer to him. We were maybe one foot away from each other by the end of my first rant.

I sucked in a large breath, ready for the next rant, when Jace started speaking. "I am so fucking sorry I wanted to make sure you would come home! Don’t make it seem like I just left her here without any protection. I am smarter than that. I knew that if you sensed any danger, you would be here in a second. I-"

"How could I have sensed danger? Why are you so confident that I would be able to know if she was in danger, huh!?!" I yelled back at him confused. Did he really not know anything, or was I the one who didn’t know anything?

“I thought Mr. Burns talked to you about everything?” He asks with a confused look.

“Apparently not, well not about what you think he did.” I said with exasperation and annoyance clear in my voice.

Jace’s figure slumped slightly, but collected himself and looked me straight in the eyes. "Scarlett, what Mr. Burns didn’t tell was that you would sense our danger, or any other extreme emotion, because without our knowing, we deemed you alpha. We looked up at you for guidance and protection, however messed up it is, we just did. When we did that, we became a pack. Though it is a small pack, we are still a pack. We can sense each other's distress, our anger, or even our fear." Jace explained to me while grasping my shoulders.

I never knew that was such a thing could happen. I didn't feel much anger anymore, but just its eminence, keeping me on edge. I was pretty confused but I just couldn't get the words out of my throat for me to speak.

I just kept my head down trying to process all this information. It seems like lately that's all I have been doing, processing.

"Scarlett, I am sorry for what I said. I should have talked to you privately and talked about what was going on between us instead of blowing up like that. I guess with the stress if the baby I was thinking about what's going on with me. I just pushed all that stress into anger and let you feel my wrath. I realize now how wrong it really was, can you forgive me." That was the real Jace, and I couldn't help but smile at knowing I had him back.

“I forgive you Jace.” I said in a calm voice while lifting my head up to meet his eyes. “I am just surprised I didn’t realize this earlier.” I said while lightly shaking my head back and forth.

Jace face contorted into a look of confusion and opened his mouth to speak, but Ana’s voice rang out before he could release the words. “What do you mean Scarlett that you’re surprised you didn’t realize this earlier?” She questioned as she walked over to Jace and stood beside him. He nodded his head in agreement of her question.

“I had extreme mood swings while I was out.” I explained simply and sat down on the couch. I curled my legs up and pulled the throw pillow between my hands so I could play with its threading.

“You did? Like what?” Jace asked with curiosity growing in his voice.

I just shook my head while yanking on a thread. “First I felt extreme bliss, then extreme anger, and then I felt extreme sadness.” I said simply as I pulled harder on the stand so I became detached from the pillow.

“We didn’t feel bliss or anger, which was all you, though the sadness was most likely us.” He states sounding slightly confused.

“You didn’t, and then I don’t know why I felt anger?” I said feeling slightly detached like the strand in my hand. I felt like I was staring at something, and you feel like you can’t take your eyes off of it, though I wasn’t staring at anything. I tried to shake my head, but I just couldn’t. I felt like I was here but I wasn’t.

“Was there anything that made you angry?” Jace pushed.

“A guy was eavesdropping on Mr. Burns’s and my conversation, but I feel like that wasn’t why I was made, like it was something else I couldn’t see. It wasn’t because of what happened between us or anything, but it was like it was someone else’s feelings.” I said dazed as I stared intently at the string in my hand while twisting around in my fingers.

“Please stop that.” Jace said in a distressed tone. I didn’t understand what he was saying, so I just kept playing with the string, feeling no emotions. Not happy or mad, not even really calm, but just there.

I felt hands slap down on mine as the sting was tugged out of my fingers. “Look at me, not the damn string Scarlett. I am trying to help figure this out with you, but you aren’t helping.” He said with a lace of anger in his tone.

I just kept staring at my hands. I tried repeatedly to lift my head, but I felt as though my body didn’t want me to. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried harder to lift my head. I quickly became frustrated and tried moving the rest of my body from its current position, but nothing was cooperation.

I opened my mouth slightly and barely got the words out of my mouth that surely strained Jace and Ana’s ears in order for them to hear me. “Please get Mr. Burns. I think there is something wrong, and it isn’t with me.”

Jace’s hands cuffed around my chin and pulled it up so that my eyes could connect with his, “Scarlett, who is in trouble?” He asked desperately.  

My hands started to shake with anger and sadness. I knew this wasn’t me who was feeling this, so I closed my hands and tried to concentrate on my feelings and who was making me feel this. I looked deep in my mind frantically looking for the answer of why this was happening.

I couldn’t help but gasp quietly when I found what I was looking for. I didn’t just find why I was feeling this way, but also who was making me feel this. “He knows about me.” I said with tears escaping my eyes.

“Who?” Jace asked again with ferocity.

“That asshole from the gas station told him. I am going to kill that son of a bitch. He doesn’t deserve this Jace.” I hissed with anger as the tears streamed down my face at an amazing speed.

“Scarlett, who is he?” Jace asked losing his patience while tightening his hold on my chin.

“Xavier knows that I am his mate, and he isn’t happy he wasn’t told.” I said with such sorrow.

Jace and Ana’s faces became ghostly pale at the mention of his name; after all it isn’t good to make the most powerful hybrid in the world mad.

Hey peoples! I promised I would update, and here it is! Please comment and update! I love, love, love hearing what you guys have to say. Also the cover offer is still out there! For information on that you can either comment on this chapter, send me a message over Wattpad, or you could email from the email in the last chapter. Remember that if your cover is picked, you get a shout out in the next chapter! Thank you guys for reading this, stay tuned!

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