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Though I was exhausted to the extreme, I still ran fast. The wind wasn’t harsh so it hurt my skin as much as normal. The sight of the gas station felt like I had been here months ago, when in reality, I was only here yesterday.

As I crept forward towards the door, I saw Mr. Burns walked toward the door with a hard look on his face. I just stood there and watched as he approached me and opened the door quickly and harshly.

“Get in” Mr. Burns said as he nodded his way towards the office door. Once I broke from my daze, I rush out of the chilly air and into his oh so familiar office.

Once I had opened the door to the office, it was closed harshly by him. “Scarlett, you can't call out to his soul. You are going to get each other killed by doing that.” He hissed with venom.

Instead of muttering a word, I just sat down and took it like a big girl. “You realize with him not coming to his mate right away was going against his every cell. He looked torn apart and worn down. I don’t know what to do with you.” Mr. Burns said with an even more venom than before and kept running his hands through his hair.

“I didn’t even realize I was. I just couldn’t stop it. I didn’t even know I was screaming his name, Ana had to tell me. I haven’t slept since the third dream.” I choked out as I looked down at my hands in frustration.

“What dreams?” He said with a hard voice as he turned around toward me with still furious eyes.

“I had three dreams about me seeing Xavier, but he was only a blur of colors. I-I begged and begged for him to show me his true body, but all it did was stand there. Slowly in each dream I could start seeing more and more of him. First I saw his legs, and then I saw his torso and arms. Though when I got to the third dream I-I-I” I cut off with choking sobs racking my body.

Mr. Burns’s hands grasped my forearms and brought them toward him in a firm grip. Then his other had grasped my chin and turned it so I had to look at him. “What did you do?” He said as he annunciated each word with ferocity.

“I couldn’t go through with it.” I choked out as I stared at his face with tears streaming at extraordinary speeds.

“Couldn’t go through with what?” He questioned further with a tight squeeze to my arms and chin.

“His face.” I whispered with the tears dropping onto my dry lips.

My arms and face dropped as he let go of his hold. “At least you ended it there.” He said as he dropped down in his chair.

“What do you mean? Why is it so good I stopped the dream?” I questioned as I pursed my lips, trying to keep the sobs back.

“If you would have seen his face, you both would have died.” He said with a harsh look.

“But it was just a dream.” I choked out.

“Dreams for werewolves are very real, almost more real than being awake.” He said with a pointed look.

“I can’t keep doing this to him Mr. Burns.” I said as I looked down, shaking my head.

“Can’t keep doing what?” He questioned tiredly.

“Calling out to him, what can I do to stop it?” I said as I looked up at his figure with swollen eyes from crying so much.

“That is not an option. It is too risky.” He said with a hard look.

“What is it? Just let me know.” I pleaded.

“The only way you can stop your soul from calling out to him is to totally close off your soul and get rid of it. That would also cut the bond between you two making you no longer soul mates anymore.” He said with a fierce look in his eyes.

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