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"Well, look who decided to show up." I heard the man I saw in the woods earlier that day say with an evil smirk. Though, this time he didn't look like himself. Last time he looked kind and concerned, but this his time he was more... deranged.

Not only was it him, there was Mr. and Mrs. Burns along with two young men. They were all on congregated in a small group that were without a doubt one of the most heart stoping things I had seen in my life.

I just stood there with my mouth open for a little while until I heard Ruby say, "What's wrong, Sarlett?" She asked in her usual baby voice.

I gulped as I spoke to her in a hushed voice as the group stared at me with a villainous look. "How about we go get Icees later?" I said as I dropped her down so her feet were in the ground.

"But you said now!" she said loudly, showing her anger towards me as she stopped her foot.

"I know what I said, we will later." I said quickly as I pushed her back inside the cabin door. I couldn't have such an innocent person be hurt because of something I did, that isn't in her control.

I breathed out and leaned against the door as I surveyed the people in front of me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. My voice sounded steady, though inside I as about to burst with nervousness. I wasn't going to tell lies, I was scared. More scared than I had been in my life.

"Why so hostile? We haven't done anything." Said one of the young men who looked at me with a smirk that could never be measured.

"Tell me why you are here then. I believe that is when you will understand my hostility." I said as I backed away from the door and rested my palms on the railing. I was trying to control my breathing, because seeing the people who had fed so much bullshit to me had me on edge.

"You see, we wanted to collect our rightful possession." Mr. Burns said as waved his hand in the air for emphasis. His eyes seemed dull and lifeless, like there wasn't really anyone in there and was on auto pilot.

"What might that be?" I asked through gritted teeth. As much as they wanted to act innocent, I already knew their plan. It was also pretty obvious they knew I knew the truth about them and their intentions.

"Well, you of course." Mr. Burns finished off with an innocent smile. He said it so simply. I thought I had gotten over the fact that they were the bad people here, but it still all felt so sureal.

I was hoping this was all some misunderstanding that would blow over and I would be with my mate. Though, right now, I could tell that wasn't going to happen. The truth was they are power greedy and have spent 5 years of their lives devoted to tricking me.

"You realize that I am not a possession, correct?" I asked as rolled my eyes. I tried to act normal so they wouldn't sense my nervousness or just how scared I really was. I couldn't afford that right now, not ever. Being scared is weakness, so is being scared.

"Close enough." Said the same young man who spoke earlier. The other just stared at me with a hard look. It felt like he was hoping that if he stared hard enough that I would just go away, or die. I couldn't tell.

"Well, I am not going anywhere." I said as I jumped over the porch railing and speed off to the right of the house. I am not the kind of person to run away from a threat, but I was smart enough my best bet was to run away for two reasons. One was because I was greatly outnumbered and the other was to get them as far as I could from Ruby and the rest of my family.

Their footsteps were louder than I thought was possible. My mind felt blank yet clear as the wind blew through my hair. I ran the fastest as I ever had before in my life. The wind felt like tornado ready for touchdown with my speed. I hadn't looked back to see how close they were, but I was sure they weren't close enough to catch me due to my extreme speed. My feet easily dodged the wood that was littered around the ground.

I stopped at where Gemma and Onyx lived, hoping for their saving, or at least some help. Before I could rip it open safety, I saw a note laid on top. I could hear them coming closer as I ran off with the note. My heart was racing as I read, 'Go to the Kingdom and go to a jail cell. That is your safe haven.' It said simply. I didn't understand how a jail could save me, but at this time, I didn't care. I was going to listen to whatever this said, no matter how stupid it sounded.

"Get back here you bitch!" A voice yelled from behind me from a little under a mile away. A mile seemed seemingly far, but at our speed, that was nothing. This caused me to pump my legs harder than I ever thought imaginable. At this speed, I would be at the kingdom in a few minutes.

There smell became farther after a while, making them three miles back. Their breathing was heard loudly, consuming my own. But then suddenly I saw something that made me want to jump for joy; the gate I had entered that day when I brought Mr. Burns to the hospital. Though I wanted to believe the hard part was over, it had only just begun.

The man looked at me alarmed and put his hands out as if to stop me from entering, but I just tucked my feet under my butt. I jumped. Over the 10 feet tall fence. I couldn't believe it myself as I landed roughly making my ankle buckled slightly. I didn't stop for long to register my pain and the guards yelling before I spend forward. I could here the people I passed yells and even a few of the men trying to tackle me, though there was no use. I was too fast.

I knew exactly where the jail was. I could smell the stench of the rouges from at least a light year away. My feet felt like they were floating on air, I was running so fast. I couldn't even call it running anymore, It was more like I was on my own personal jet.

The houses I passed were little cookie cutter ones that seemed to follow a uniform.

I could smell my mate as I passed the castle in which he lived. It broke my heart not entering, though I knew my mission. I saw the jail from the distance along with several hundred warriors and trackers following me, hopping to catch their trespasser.

Two guards who stood outside had blades bigger than my head pointed at me, ready to kill. I slide between them barely missing their blades causing me to slam into the door behind them. The pain seemed dull instead of intense due to the amount of adrenaline pumping through me. I quickly kicked from under the built men's feet making them drop. Their grunts were loud, and I was sure one of them got the air knocked out of him. I reached over and grabbed their sweaty heads, slamming them together. Once they passed out, I threw my body into the door causing it to buckle under my pressure and open.

The people following me along with my attackers were only half a mile away making me run through the halls, knocking out other guards who littered it. There were so many of them, causing me to believe that my punishment for what I doing severe.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Said one of the males guarding the holding room. I turned to him and ran at him. He swung his blade at me, only for me to dodge it. I then kicked his side causing him grunt. His fist swing up and hit my jaw, before I threw him against the wall, effectively knocking him out.

Before I knew it, I had all guards unconscious and myself in the holding room where they had the jail cells. I gabbed the keys that were I my pocket for one of the guards and ran toward the closest empty jail cell.

I heard a chorus of prisoners yelling at me to let them out, but I wasn't listening. I ran faster and into the cell. I closed the heavy, gray bars making me wonder what exactly was a safe haven. If this is how I had to live my life, running away all the time, not trusting anybody, what was the point.

"What the hell are you doing?" yelled one of the commoners as I locked up the door.

I didn't answer as I slide under the small twin bed. The mattress itself was ripped up and stains that I could only guess their origin. I heaved loudly in and out as I laid with my face do the horrid cement ground. I felt relief. I am so close to having my mate, I could almost touch it. I certainly couldn't smell it anymore due to the smell of the rouges in the jail calls opposite of me.

Finally, I am safe

I KNOW THIS IS HORRIBLE AND I PROMISE I WILL EDIT THIS CHAPTER AND ADD MORE. I just really wanted to get this out there for you people to read, I love you that much! ALRIGHTY THEN, STAY TUNED FOR MORE SOON!

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