Chapter XVI

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Lyric POV:

These past couple of weeks have been drag. Its a good thing its Christmas Break so I don't have to go to school and have everyone in my face asking, 'Whats wrong?' 'Are you okay?' 'Im sorry for your lose' and the rest of the bulshit they say as if they actually cared. The only time I walked out the house is when my brother and I came to a decision that we don't want our mothers ashes in the house. It felt wierd so we went down to the cemetary and had a whole and tomb stomb picked out for her. I can atleast pay my mom some repsect my burrying her since she didnt have a proper funeral. After the burial i just shut down. I stay in my room, with my headphones in listening to 'Trust and Believe', 'I should have cheated' by Keyshia Cole and 'Thank You' by Ashanti. Im mostly living off of fruit and water and only move from the position of looking out the window to take a shower, use the bathroom and get dressed. Isiah has tried to get me to talk and go out but i just can't do it. I can't look at him because all I see is my mother. I know its killing him but I need time to let it process that my mother is gone and every time i see him I will see her in his face. Not to mention that the day after the incident with Jayden and I found out the news with my mother he came over and offically broke it off. I know he went to go be Teyana but im not even mad. He can do what ever he want. Cheat, go out, hes basically a free man with her I'm single which is nothing new to me. Danny on the other hand had been trying to contact me for the past couple of weeks. I see his texts but I just cant reply back. I have nothing to say. I know hes just being a the bestfriend that he is but Im out of words. He knows about everything thats been going on so he should understand why I'm not contacting him back.

I was sitting in my regular postion near the window looking out of it to the street where I see the usual kids plaing double dutch and basketball along with cars passing through here and there. I heard the door open, so i turned around to see it was Danny. I was happy as hell to see my only true bestfriend walk in because I havent seen him in forever. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I instantly hugged him back and we stayed in that position for while. He let go and grabbed my chair from the desk and sat in front of me. I took out one headphone to see what was up.

"Wassup Ly?" he said like he was about to cry. I didnt reply. I couldn't reply. I know the words wanted to come out but I couldn't say anything. .All I did was stare at him.

"So you not talking to me either?" he chuckled a little. "Listen, you havent been answering my calls neither have you seen me and now you dont want to talk to me. I know you mother died I can feel your pain. I know whats it like. You know my mother died too and you were right there like i was there for you texting you but at least I didnt ignore the shit out you. Your mother was as much of my mother and she was yours. The only thing she didnt do was birth me. You sitting up in this room depressed, not talking to anyone even your own brother. Your brother is dying Lyric. Hes dying okay. Hes dying just as much as you that your not talking to him. That was his mother too but you dont see him sitting up here shut out from the world. And I know Jayden cheated on you too with Teyana and broke up with you the very next day your

mother died. I know. But you just cant sit here and let that eat you alive. I cant have my best friend, the girl i fucking love with all my heart sit here and die in her feeling. Yes i said it. I love you, better yet, Im in love with you Lyric but you was just to stupid and blinded by those other fuck niggas to see who really loved you." he said to me. He loves me? Is it bad enough to say that I think I love him too. He was the only one who stood by me through my struggles and now hes here expressing his feelings when im in a depressed state. I wanted to reply to him but nothing came out. I just sat there staring at him to see what he did next. He just stood there looking back. He started for the door but before he left he rushed towards me and kissed me. I hesitated for a moment but kissed back. He kissed for a moment which felt like forever until he let go first and placed his forehead on mine.

"When you're ready to talk, you know where to find me." he whispered to me then headed out the door.

I took out my headphones and placed my phone on my desk. I heard the front door close indicating that he left. I walked out my room and down the steps to the kitchen to see Isiah eating grapes and on his phone. I guess he heard the door creak because he turned around as soon as I stepped into the kitchen. He just looked at me with sadness in his face. Danny was right. I could see that he was dying and I'm a cause of it. It was time for me to let go and move on. She's gone and is never coming back so its just me and my brother against the world. I walked up to him, hugged him and started tearing.

"Im sorry." I said. These were the first words that I said in a while. He just hugged me back tighter.

"I know, its okay" he replied back.

"No, Im really sorry. Im sorry for leaving you for what seemed like you were alone. For having you seem like it was just you against everything that was going on. Im sorry." I cried out even more

"Lyric, It's okay, its alright. I know you were hurting but its all bettter know, alright?" he said sounding like he was crying.


We let go of each other and we whipped our faces. "Damn, got a nigga crying and shit. Don't tell anyone about this either."

I laughed causing his jaw to drop. "Oh my God, its a smile, what the hell did Danny do?"

"Gave me a reality check. Uhm, I'm about to go to his house, I'll be back later or tomorrow."

"Alright" he confirmed. Here goes nothing.

Jayden POV

"I just did the biggest mistake of my life. I know I should have stayed with Lyric. Teyana been bugging the shit out me. All she want is fucking sex. Like damn, her ass a fucking nympho. My dick needs its alone time and need time to breathe. Shit always in her mouth, or in her pussy. I know my dick game on point but damn give a nigga a break. Her pussy gettin' loose as hell. Shit, her shit need to tightin up a little bit before I go back in there. With Lyric she wasnt giving up nothing which makes me more attracted to her. My stupid ass was just in the mood for sex and lost her. I miss her ass. I get no love out here from these hoes." I vented out to Zayquan. I broke things off with Lyric because I needed to let go of one of these women. It was hard but i broke it off with Lyric cause I know I would just keep hurting her and I couldn't do it. Even though I know I changed in the way of the game I still have a soft side for the people i care about.

"Damn man. You done fucked up." he said laughing

"I know. I should have just stayed in my way instead of listening to them fuck niggas I work with." I said thinking about it. First I was against it, then I was doing, now im regreting it.

"Well man, I dont know what to tell you. Time will pass and soon i'll be back to my old self and you'll be back to your self and we'll be all good. But i gotta go before wifey start calling." he said getting up from the park pench and dabbing me.

"True, alright, ima see you around." I said dapping him back and went our seperate ways. I really didnt feel like going home so I took the long way to think. I hoped in my car and to my convience 'M.I.A' by Omarion came on. Damn, I do miss Lyric. She probably doesn't even want to talk to me after i fucked her over then broke with her the next day. Shit I messed up. I was so caught up in the thoughts that i didnt even reliaze I pulled up to the house. I sighed, took the key out the ignition. Starting up the steps and into the house I walked in to Teyana siting in the dark on the couch. I turned on the light to see her sitting there in a daze crying.

"Wassup with you?" I asked really not caring what she had to say

"Uhm,' she started. "I went to the doctor today because i was feeling sick the last couple of days."

"Yeah, and?" i asked to where she was going with this.

"Im pregnant." she stated. Whoa what?


"Im pregant, and its yours because you're the only one I had sex with."

"How is that even possible. i wrapped my shit up with two condoms and pulled out."

"Well maybe the condom was expired i dont fucking know but its yours so deal with it." she spat at me then ran up steps.

Damn can my life get anymore fucked up.

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