Chapter XVIII

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5 years later ...

Lyric POV

"Man, Ms. Brown my boyfriend a fuck nigga. Cant trust nothing with a dick. He fucking aggravatin'. How you going to be with your so called cousin but fuck her. like I'm not stupid! Then as the person I am I don't kiss ass for nobody. If you are mad stay bad ain't don't nobody care. So he became home wanting to fuck and I'm like no , why don't you tell that hoe you was with you was with to go suck your dick and shit. He said okay and walked out. Like what the actual fuck. I want to kill his ass but at the same time I just don't know what to do." I heard my patient vent out me.

Five years have past by and I have been doing great. I'm going to school for psychology and my teachers signed me up to intern at one of the best psychology offices in the state. Everything I did in the past is now behind me. The only thing I'm focused on is this job, school, and taking care of myself.

"Well, it seems to me that, you still love him but you don't want to let him go. I know you may think he loves but a person who loved you wouldn't cheat or lie to you. You're a good person and it hurts to see someone as smart as you get hurt. Now I'm not telling you, you should break up with him , that's your decision not mine, but think about. Actions speak louder than words." I explained to her.

"Yeah but damn, I gave him everything and he just going to do that." she replied while laying back in the couch she was sitting on.

"No you didn't. You're still sitting her, confident, still hoping for something. Nobody can never take anything from you. But let me tell you about this fucked up society we currently live in. Bitches be loyal to dog niggas, Good niggas get dogged, Hoes get wifed up, Good girls are single, The good die young, and the ungrateful have everything. Its just how life is right now"

She sat up from the couch, " You right, Thanks Ms. Brown" she finished saying as she stood up and walked towards the door.

I followed her " You know I got you, you like my daughter"

She laughed, " Yeah, you my mother. See you later" she waved and walked away.

I walked the opposite way towards my boo Devonte desk. He's the only one twenty-one year old here, he's also an intern in the same field as me. We clicked almost instantly when we met. He had curls from a perm he gets, a caramel skin complexion, a dimple in his left cheek that he had pierced, and we wore glasses. The only thing that stopped him from getting women is, he's gay.

I finally reached his desk and he was on the phone. He spotted me and blew a kiss while I continued towards him. As soon as I reached him he hung up the phone wrote something down, and walked from behind his desk.

"Hey boo!" he basically screamed and hugged me

"Wassup, you ready for lunch?"

"Girl yes, these people are fucking aggy. I was about to come get you before I caught a case" he said grabing my hand and walking towards my car.

"Lyric, your car is so sexy. Im going to get one one of these days. But for now I'm just going to use yours or probably steal it and give you my rawnchy car." he said as we walked around in the parking garage looking for it.

I had a white escalade. This was my baby. Isiah brought it for me on my 18th birthday and it still looks brand new. If anybody ever scrached, stole, or hit my baby I would catch a fucking case.

I just looked at him with that 'I wish a nigga would face' and he busted out laughing.

"Girl chill, I'm just going to get me one"

"Don't you have Mustang?"

"Yeah, but I want a escalade. This the type a car you take to the club and its like Yas bitch I'm here"

I busted out laughing, " Nigga you a mess, but where too?"



Within minutes we were there and instantly seated. We sat down while the waitress followed us, and took our orders.

"So whats up with you?" I asked in curiosity. Something always going on with Devonte.

"Girl, Oh My God , never again. Niggas do not know what a sip is. if a nigga come up to you and be like can I get a sip say NO. say hell the fuck NO ! But bitches be wilden the hardest. Jesus, so I just got out of the school and I had my magnificent strawberry Gatorade. When I say that shit was magnificent I mean it was magnificent. You could taste every electrolyte and vitamin in that shit. So this girl named Kayla walked up to me and was all up in my face and shit. Like bitch back the fuck up. She came up to me and was like 'Can I get a sip?' So I'm like I didn't go to church on Sunday let me do the good deed, like the good person I am, and help this parched bitch out. I gave her my gatorade and this giraffe throat ass bitch drunk all my shit. Bruh, like I never threw a pack of gum so fast and a bitch head. It was one of those 32 piece pack too. It was all I had in my pocket at the time but she got my point. I had an arizona the very next day I saw her and she sure hell didn't ask me for shit. She also gave me $1.50 for my new bottle of gatorade since she drunk all that shit."

By the time he finished I was in tears. I had to be laughing for about fifteen minutes. He be overreacting over the dumb shit, but it be funny as hell so i don't complain. My laughter had died down by time the food got here. We stayed there until there was only ten minutes left of our lunch. We paid the bill, and headed back to work.

At seven, I clocked out, said my goodbyes, and went home to my condo and started cooking dinner. I cooked crab and spaghetti grabbed a plate and started eating. About five minutes in I heard the front door open and footsteps walk into the kitchen.

"Hey babe" He said as he greeted me with a kiss

I smirked at him while I continued my food.

"Oh so now I just get a smirk? No hey, no wassup, I didnt even get a kiss back. just a smirk" he said with his hand over his heart trying to act hurt.

"Yup" I replied whike still eating. "My food good"

He came over towards me, picked me up , and slammed me on the couch and started tickling me.

"Alright, Alright, Alright, Danny you win , Okay!" I yelled trying to block him off.

"That's what I thought " he said stopping, kissing me again, and going towards the kitchen.

Me and Danny have been dating for about 3 years now. After we lost our virginities to each other I just wanted to stay friend cause I know getting together at that age woukd ruin the friendship. We stayed friends but always ended up doing couple stuff or sleeping together from time to time. I got tired of it and so did he so after 2 years he asked me to be his and I agreed. To tell you the truth, Its been the best 3 years. My life is going great and I'm not going to let anything, or anyone take that from me.

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