Crush pt.1

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"And that's a wrap!", you hear the director of your new Netflix show shout.
You finished filming the episode of the second season of your very popular show. You still can't believe you're playing one of the main characters. The past year has been a wild ride and you can't be more grateful for everything.

After you got home from shooting the episode, you received a text from one of your co-stars. It's Josh. You and him have become really close friends throughout the last year. You are so close and get along so well that people always assume the two of you are dating. You can't deny that Josh is really attractive, funny and charming but you like him better as just your friend and nothing more.

Up for a great party tonight?- J

You took a few minutes to reply because you weren't sure if you're up for going out tonight. After a brief discussion with yourself, you decided to text your friend back.

Not in the mood tonight, bro

After a few seconds he texted you again.

We haven't went out in ages. Don't leave me hanging like this. Please? Maybe you'll meet someone interesting?

You rolled your eyes and texted that you changed your mind. With that, you started to get ready for the party.


"I told you it's gonna be fun", Josh said while taking a sip from his drink.

"I'm not even having fun. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this", you said and drowned your second drink.

After an hour you got so bored that you decided to leave. Josh found a couple of girls and disappeared. On your way out you bumped into someone. A girl to be precise.

"Sorry", you said and hoped she won't be bitchy about it.

"No, it's my bad. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have looked at my phone", she said smiling.

She was stunning. You've already seen her somewhere but you weren't sure where exactly.

"Hey, you're Y/N, right? I am obsessed with your show. I totally binged watched it", she said excitedly. "I'm Hailey, by the way".

That's where you know her from. She's Hailey Baldwin. The model.

"It's so nice to meet you. Of course I know who you are. And thank you for your nice words", you said and couldn't believe what's happening right now.

"So, are you enjoying the party?", she asked you.
You're kind of nervous because pretty and cool people always make you nervous.

"Actually, I was about to leave", you admitted.

"No way? Really? Why?", the model asked you surprised.

"I came here with a friend and now he ditched me for some girls. And I wasn't in the mood for partying anyway. I didn't want to go out in the first place", you admitted.

"Boys, am I right?", she said and rolled her eyes. "Do you want to hang out with me and my friends? They're pretty cool and I can guarantee you, you're gonna have lots of fun", the blonde said while looking at you expectantly.

"Yeah, why not?", you said and with that she dragged you with her.

"Girls, meet Y/N", Hailey announced as you reached the area where her friends are seated.
You took a look at them and you recognized all of them. Gigi and Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner are all looking at you and smiling.

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