Your Secret

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"I love you so much", you whispered into your girlfriends ear to which she responded with attacking your face with thousands of little and soft kisses. You couldn't be happier. Your relationship was going great and it seemed like nothing could come between you and Kendall.

"You know what?", the model asked you lovingly and you just shook your head. "I love you, too", she added and you couldn't help but kiss her tenderly.

The two of you had been dating for six months now but no one except your families and closest friends knew about this relationship. None of you were out yet and Kendall didn't want to deal with the media, so you just kept it a secret.

After those months with the model you grew as a person and were more than ready to come out and tell other people about your amazing relationship. Plus, Kendall being constantly linked to random dudes drove you mad. You hated the fact that everyone always thought she's straight and dating some ex-boyband singer, rapper or basketball dude.

"You spaced out, babe. Come back I miss you", the tall girl's voice interrupted your trail of thoughts. "I'm sorry", you smiled at her.

"What were you thinking about, anyway?", she curiously asked. You contemplated a few seconds if you really wanted to bring this conversation up. The last time you talked about this caused a fight and you were not in the mood for an stupid argument.

"Us", you simply stated to which she just raised an eyebrow. "Babe, we talked about this already. You know why we can't go public", she reasoned and you just rolled your eyes at the familiar response.

"But babe, I want to hold your hand while we're walking, I want to kiss you randomly on the streets or while we're out with our friends and I want everyone to know that you're mine", her lips just formed a smirk. "I think someone might be a little bit possessive and jealous", she said and you just huffed.

"Because I am the one whose girlfriend is constantly 'going out' with all those men", you confessed in a hurt tone. "You have no idea how I feel because of this".

"Look...", she started to say something but you cut her off. "All of my friends are talking about how in love and happy they are while I have to keep my mouth shut. Only one friend of mine knows that we're together."

"Y/N, I know it's not the best solution but it is how it is right now. You and I know that what we have is real and that's enough. You know how much I love you and that I'd do anything to make you happy", Kendall said and engulfed you in a tight hug.

"If you'd do anything to make me happy then let's stop hiding", she just sighed at that comment and you knew that there was no point in continuing this conversation. As much as you'd have liked to go public and show everyone the two of you are an item, you were willing to keep it a secret because you didn't want to upset your girlfriend.

"Okay, let's just drop this", you sighed. You felt Kendall's soft lips on your cheek and you could't help but smile. She never failed to cheer you up and at the end of the day it was you she snuggled up to and that was what counted and not some ridiculous headline in a gossip magazine.

"It's just that I'm really proud to have you and I want to shout it out into the world how happy you make me", you said as you placed your head on the other girl's shoulder.

She kissed the top of your head and hummed in agreement. "I know".

The next day you were hanging out with your friends, who didn't know a thing about your love life. In their eyes you were single, which started to bother you a little, because they were always trying to set you up with someone.

"OMG", your friend Ella screeched. "Have you guys heard about this. Kendall Jenner is apparently dating this hot Lakers player Jordan Clarkson". You just rolled your eyes.

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