Crush pt.2

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"She really did that?", Hailey asked you surprised. You invited the model over to hang out and somehow your conversation shifted to Kendall. It became quite a problem because no matter who you were talking to, you always wanted to talk about the tall girl. Maybe it's because she's always on your mind.

"Yeah. She often acts like that, though. But she's a Scorpio and they tend to be possessive", you said.

"Why do you always do that?", Hailey asked curiously.

"Do what?", you responded, clearly not knowing what she's talking about.

"You always defend her. Always. She can't just do such shit. It's not nice. She doesn't own you", the blonde stated and you know she's right.

"I know, Hails. It's just.. I don't know".
You don't know know what to say. Hailey is right. Kendall doesn't own you. You're not her girlfriend. She's not entitled to know what you're doing and with whom you are.

Suddenly you felt two arms wrapping around you. You hugged your friend back because you're in need of a hug right now. After a few minutes you broke the hug off and the both of you had huge smiles on your faces.

"So, even though I love Kenny, it gets boring and annoying talking about her", Hailey said with a knowing smirk on her plump lips.

"Let's watch a movie or something", you suggested, trying to change the topic.


A week later all three of you decided to go out for lunch. Kendall chose the restaurant and right now you're waiting on you food to arrive. Hailey and you are fooling around and laughing while Kendall is passive and quiet. You can feel her glaring at the two of you. Hailey noticed that as well.

"What's wrong Kenny?", the blonde asked. "Why so quiet?"
A scowl made its way on the dark haired model's lips and she just shrugged.
You feel really uncomfortable. You hate seeing the model like this. Maybe she's pissed because you and Hailey sometimes act like she's not there. Maybe she's mad because she feels like you stole her friend. You always wonder what her deal is but you're too afraid to ask. You don't want to piss her of even more.

Hailey put her arm around you and leaned in to whisper something in your ear. Typically, it was something funny so you started laughing.
Kendall just glared at you and rolled her eyes.

"I think I'm gonna go", Kendall suddenly said.

"But what about the food?", Hailey asked. "What's wrong?", you added.

The model just huffed and shook her head. "I don't want to interrupt your little date", she said and stood up.

You looked at her confused. Hailey just laughed at Kendall's statement.

"This is not a date", you told her. "Yeah, the date was actually yesterday", Hailey said jokingly.

Kendall just rolled her eyes and left the restaurant. You followed her immediately.
A swarm of paparazzi were waiting outside. The model went to her black Range Rover. You stood outside her car and asked her to let you in. She hesitated at first but then she gave in and unlocked the doors. You got into the passenger seat.

"Don't you have to get back to your girlfriend?", Kendall asked in a bored tone. You rolled your eyes at that.

"First of all, Hailey's not my girlfriend.
Second, why do you even care?", you asked confidently.

"Then why do you always flirt and act like a couple?", she asked still looking away. You could clearly hear the hurt in her voice.

"We're just having fun", you said, defending yourself.

"Oh, so you're just fucking?", the model shot back.

"That's not what I meant", you're rubbing your temples because this conversation is giving you a headache.
This is going nowhere, you thought. It's now or never.

"I like you. I like you very much. Like a lot", you confessed. Kendall's brown eyes went wide. She's looking at you.
"I am super into you. I've been all this time. I just didn't have the guts to tell you because I was afraid to lose you as a friend." You can't believe you just said all of that but you feel so much better now that it's off your chest.
The model didn't say anything. Instead a pair of soft lips met yours. It was a soft kiss, very gentle but sweet and it took you by surprise. You immediately kissed back. After a few seconds you pulled back and looked the girl in the eyes. Both of you had huge grins plastered on your faces. You took her hand in yours, electricity shot through your body because of the contact.

"I really like you too", Kendall admitted with very pink cheeks. "That's why I was so bitchy. I'm sorry because of that. I thought you and Hailey are dating and I was jealous", she said and bit her lip. That made you kiss her and that's what you did. You could feel her smile against your lips. You captured her bottom lip between your teeth and that made her let out a soft moan. Thinks started to get heated but then you remembered where you actuality are.

"As much as I'd love to make out with you right now, I think we should get back to the restaurant. We can't just leave Hailey like that", you said.

"You're right. But we continue this later", the model said with a playful smirk on her face.
You got out of her car and couldn't wait for lunch to be over.

A/N: So, this is my very fist fanficton/Imagine/Oneshot or however you call it. Constructive criticism is welcome. Hope you like it and if you do let me know :)

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