New Year's Eve

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"We're gonna spend New Year's Eve together, right?", you asked your girlfriend, who was eating a grilled cheese sandwich in your kitchen.

"Yes, Y/N", she murmured, sounding annoyed. "How many times have you asked me that already? Thousand? Two thousand times?", she added before taking another bite of her sandwich.

"I'm sorry, but I just want to make sure. What if your team decides that you have to do a PR-stunt again?", you huffed worriedly. "I don't want to end up spending that special night without you."

"Babe, don't worry. I won't be doing a stunt. You and I will be together, I promise you that", the model reassured you.

"I want you to be my New Year's kiss", you told the girl and wrapped your arms around her.

"I'm gonna be your New Year's kiss, babe", she promised you and leaned into your hug.

You don't know why, but you've had been having this weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. It was like your guts were telling you that New Year's Eve wouldn't be how you had liked it to be. Kendall's management was ruthless. They'd come up with a stupid stunt and make her do it and that always hurt you, especially when she had to spend more than a day with those guys. You were just hoping that this time they wouldn't ruin your plans like they usually did.

It was two days before New Year's Eve and you thought that this time the odds were in your favor.

Your doorbell rang and you rushed to open the door, only to find your girlfriend looking at you with an apologetic look.

"No", you immediately protested. Your face was probably holding a horrified look.

"I can explain, Y/N", Kendall reasoned. "I'm so sorry but...", she started but you cut her off, not having the energy to listen to that bullshit anymore.

"No, Kendall. I am so sick of this shit. How many times did you tell me that it's not gonna be like that?", you hissed, tears starting to form in your eyes.

"Please let me in and explain this", she pleaded, with hurt written all over her face.

You just sighed and stepped aside for her to come in. You softly closed the door and followed her to your living room.

"Sit", you commanded after taking a seat on your couch, impatiently waiting for her to flood you with excuses and apologies.

After some minutes of silence the model started to explain everything.
"First of all, I want you to know that I am so incredibly sorry for this", she looked at you with an apologetic look on her beautiful face. Your face, on the other hand, didn't show any emotion.
"My publicist arranged a New Year's Eve dinner and party, which I will be attending with Rakim"

"Who?", you wondered, cutting the girl off.

"That's ASAP Rocky's real name", she cleared your confusion.
You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Why him?", you sounded pissed off.

"Because he's my friend and we already did some stunts together", she stated. You could clearly tell that she's genuinely sorry but that didn't matter to you in that moment.

"But he's into you. That's so unfair that he gets to spend New Year's with you", you huffed and crossed your arms defensively in front of your chest.

"He's not, please don't be like that", she said and moved closer to you. "And even if he was, I am only interested in one person, and that's you, Y/N", she softly said while putting her hand on your leg. "I only have eyes for you. I love you", she whispered and kissed your cheek.

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