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Friends are important and you were more than happy to have amazing people around you, who you called your best friends. Kendall and Hailey were two amazing girls and the three of you always had an awesome time together. There was only one little thing you would've had liked to change and that was the stupid crush you had on Kendall. You didn't know how and when it happened but the model somehow managed to steal your heart.

"Y/N, what's the thing with you and this guy", Hailey asked you while laying on your couch and playing with her phone.

"What guy?", you wondered kind of anxiously because you hadn't found the courage yet to tell your friends that you, in fact, liked girls.

"Yeah, what guy, Hails?", Kendall added with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know his name but our cute little Y/N posted a photo of her and him on her Instagram a couple of days ago", the girl explained.

"What are you talking about Hailey? It's just a photo", you reasoned and tried to escape this conversation as fast as possible.

"Well, you never posted a photo of you and a boy before, so I assumed he must be special", Hailey said with her attention still on her phone. "He's pretty cute though"

"He's just a friend, nothing more", you told the girl and she immediately turned her attention from her phone to you.

"You're sounding kinda suspicious", Hailey smirked as she sat up. "There's something", she added.

"There's nothing", you were getting a little bit annoyed because you hated being asked about your love life.

"Do you want there to be more?", the pretty girl wiggled her brows and you just rolled your eyes at her.

"Stop it, Hails", Kendall interrupted the conversation. "Can't you see that you're making the girl uncomfortable?"

"Thanks, Ken", you flashed the brunette a smile. "I really don't like talking about stuff like this"

"Can you at least tell me if you have a crush?", Hailey begged and gave you her best puppy eyes, which you couldn't resist. She was just too cute.

"Fine", you sighed and took a deep breath. "I like someone", you finally admitted in hope that this conversation was over.

"Who's the lucky guy?", she asked excitedly. You didn't want to lie to your friends anymore. Even if you hated sharing too much of your private life, you felt like you had to tell them that you were into girls. They were your friends after all and you have always talked about everything. Not telling them that you liked girls felt like hiding a huge part of your life. Originally, you wanted to wait until you've had found yourself being in a serious relationship but it looked like you made a change of plans.

"It's not a guy", you quickly breathed out and avoided both girls' eyes. The room was quiet for some seconds until Hailey broke the silence while Kendall was still looking at you with widened eyes.

"Then who's the lucky girl?", the model smirked and casually waited for your answer. You knew they would've had never judged you for not being straight but you were still a bit nervous. Hailey's chill reaction made a rock fall off of your shoulders.

"I told you enough already", your voice was still shaky because you've had just revealed a huge secret and Kendall's weird look on her face made you kind of uncomfortable.

"Chill, Y/N", Hailey laughed. "It's not as big of a deal as you think it is", she gave you a loving look and you instantly felt better. "I like girls, too", she added and your eyes shot wide in surprise.

"Since when?", Kendall's voice echoed through the room. She looked really surprised and kind of shocked.

"Since always", the other girl causally answered with a proud smile on her lips. "Girls, boys, it doesn't really matter to me. If I like someone, I like them"

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