No Strings Attached

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You had never been that kind of person to get attached to people, because you didn't want to give someone the power to hurt you. One year ago, you met a girl who blew your mind away. She was beautiful, smart and funny. For her, you decided to take the step into a committed relationship. It was like in the movies, you couldn't get enough of each other, everything seemed to be perfect, until exactly that happened what you had been dreading. Your heart got broken.
It took you a long time to get over that and become the old you again, the one who didn't let any feelings get to her.

"I'm so bored", your friend, Bella groaned while burying her face into a pillow on your couch.
"Let's go out, then", your other friend, Kendall suggested. "Nah", the blue-eyed girl replied. "You're so lazy", you joked and earned an eye-roll from the girl on the couch. "Y/N is right, tho", the other model chuckled. "I always am", you smiled smugly.
"So, what are we gonna do now?", Kendall asked the two of you. "I'm not really in the mood for going out, either", you admitted, to which the brunette groaned. "Two against one, Kenny", Bella stated with a cheeky grin on her lips.
"Fine", the outnumbered girl scoffed.
"Come on, Ken. We can still have fun", you smiled at the model, who eventually made peace with the thought of staying in.
"We can call Hailey and ask her if she wants to come over", the girl, who was lying on the couch suggested. "Great idea, Bells", you commented while typing on your phone.
"Who are you texting with?", Kendall asked you curiously. "Oh, is it someone special?", the other girl wiggled her eyebrows. You rolled your eyes at your friends' childish behavior and focused back on your phone. "Please, tell us", Bella begged you with a pout.

"Don't be so nosy", you chuckled. "Well, don't be so secretive", the blue-eyed girl argued. "It's just a girl I met a few weeks ago", you finally admitted.
"Are you dating her?", Kendall deadpanned, to which you shook your head. "We're just hooking up from time to time". "Do you like her?", Bella gave you a smug look. "I do", you chuckled. "I like hanging out with her, she's cool". "Why don't you ask her out, then?" "You know that I'm not into relationships, Bells", you reminded your friend. "But Y/N, it can be fun to be with someone you love", she said. "Yeah, until they hurt you", you huffed. "You'll never know if you don't take a chance. What if that girl is the one?". You jokingly rolled your eyes at your friend's suggestion. "I like that", Kendall joined the conversation. "Relationships are overrated, anyways", she added. "Totally. It's so much better that way. It's like friendship but with sex. No strings attached", you said and put your hand up to high-five the model. "You'll fall in love again, eventually", Bella said. "Don't worry about me. I'm good", you smiled at your friend.
"Whatever", she shook her head and turned her attention to her phone.

You loved your single life. It gave you the opportunity to focus on yourself and you liked that. You had been happy and enjoyed it but it kind of bothered you that your friends didn't believe you. They would always tell you that you were going to find someone and fall in love or that you should believe in love. Kendall had been the only one who actually supported your views on that topic. That's why the two of you got along so well. She understood you and vice versa.

It was late, Kendall had come over to chill and the two of you ended up drinking and talking about the most random things. You really enjoyed the model's company and she had seemed to be enjoying yours , too. Slowly, you started to notice little things about her, that you found really cute and adorable.
"What are you thinking about?", her question shifted your attention back to your conversation. "Nothing", you said and took a sip of your drink. "Really? You seemed to be in deep thought, tho", she stated.
"I was just thinking about how happy I am to have you as a friend", you smiled at the girl, who returned the gesture.
"You're too cute", she chuckled. "I'm happy to have you as a friend, too".
You didn't know how and when it happened, but you were dangerously close to each other. Your eyes shifted from her brown eyes to her soft lips and back. You noticed her slowly leaning in and for a second you stopped thinking and closed the distance between the two of you. Her lips carefully moved against yours. Your body reacted naturally and you brought your hand to her face. The kiss started to get heated and you soon found the model on your lap. Your lips left hers and moved down her jaw to her neck. The moans escaping her mouth encouraged you to continue with your actions. You slowly started to pull her top up while she held her arms up to help you. Her eyes stared into yours, both of you were breathing heavily.
"What are we doing?", you whispered after you realized what was going on.
"I'm not sure but I like it", the girl on your lap said huskily. Your hands landed on her bare waist, caressing the skin there.
"I like it too", you admitted, to which the dark-haired girl smiled. "Let's have some fun, then", she suggested before capturing your lower lip in-between her lips. "No strings attached?", you broke the kiss off. "No strings attached", Kendall repeated and pressed her lips on yours again.

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