Very Close pt.2

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It's been a week since you last saw Kendall. The talk with Selena got you the courage to be upfront with the model and tell her about your feelings.

You haven't really talked to the tall girl since that night, you just texted a few times but that's it. Usually you're texting everyday and FaceTime whenever you guys are separated for a longer period of time. It's not the case now. You don't really know how to feel about it. Sure, you miss Kendall but you're also kind of mad that she became so distant.

Your ringing phone brought you back from your daydream.

"Hey girl", you hear your friend Hailey greet you happily.

"What's up, Hails?", you reply with a smile on your face.

Since you're friends with Kendall, you also became good friends with Gigi, Hailey, Bella and Kylie. They happily accepted you in their group and you're very grateful for that.

"I'm throwing a party next weekend. Do you wanna come?", your friend asks you.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to miss that", you say and hear her giggle.

"Cool. Can't wait to see you, then", she says chirpily.

"Same", you say.

"See you on Saturday", she says and the two say your goodbyes before hanging up.

You're actually really happy about the invitation. You've been in a party mood lately. Though, you can't help but wonder if Kendall will be there. Probably. Whatever, you're just gonna have fun and keep a healthy distance between the two of you.


It's Saturday and you're getting ready for the party. You're wearing a really nice outfit.
You call an Uber, because you know you're gonna be too drunk to drive home by yourself and you don't want to leave your car at Hailey's place.

As soon as you arrive at the party, you're greeted by your friend.

"Y/N! I'm so happy you're here", says Hailey as she goes in for a hug.

"Thanks for inviting me, Hails", you say and hug her back.

"So, what have you been up to, lately", the blonde asks curiously.

"This and that. Y'know. Nothing super exciting", you answer.

"How's your love life, by the way?", she asks you with a raised eyebrow, taking you by surprise.

Does she know? Did Kendall tell her? What should I say? Play it cool, just play it cool.

"I'd rather not talk about it", you answer nervously.

"So, this means you're single, right", the other girls asks you hopefully.

"Uhm...pretty much. Yeah", you say.

"Great", Hailey says excitedly while clapping her hands together and jumping up and down like a little kid.

You're just staring at her confused because you don't know what's going on.

Suddenly, Hailey grabs your hand and drags you with her.

"Okay, Y/N. I want you to meet Cameron", the blonde says as she introduces you to a beautiful girl.

"Hi, I'm Y/N", you introduce yourself shyly.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Cameron, but most of my friends call me Cam", she says with a cheerful smile on her face, showing off her white teeth.

The next half and hour you spend with Hailey and Cameron, chatting and laughing. You catch up with your friend and get to know the new girl better.
She seems to be very nice and funny. And she's stunning. You can't help but feel nervous around her. Cool and good looking people tend to make you nervous.

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