The Dare pt. 1

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A/N: This story was requested by thewatever . I really hope I met your expectations, since you gave a lot of input for the storyline.

It was a sunny day in California. The sunrays were hitting on your skin through the window. You were trying hard to focus on the boring science class but it didn't work. You looked at your phone to check the time, only to find out that you still had more than twenty minutes of torture ahead of you. You were more than happy that this was your last year of high school, you had only a few more months to survive and then you would be free. Just the thought of going to college and leaving everything behind excited you.

The bell finally rang and you swiftly picked up your books and left the classroom. On your way out you bumped into someone.

"Don't you have eyes?", blue eyes met yours. A smile formed on your lips as you looked at your best friend, Taylor.

"I could ask you the same", you joked and put your arm around the brunette's shoulder.
The two of you walked to your locker, where your other best friend was already waiting.

"You two would make such a cute couple", Lauren said mockingly, to which you rolled your eyes. "Stop it, Lauren", Taylor laughed and playfully punched the green-eyed girl.

"What?", Lauren defended herself. "It's not my fault that you take everything too seriously".

You were putting your books into your locker and minding your own business, when your eyes caught a certain tall girl walking down the hallway with her friends, or how she liked to call them, her "gang". That was the infamous "gang" of your school, which consisted of the very friendly and hot looking, but not to be trusted, Hailey Baldwin, the pretty sisters Gigi and Bella Hadid, and last but for sure not least, the gorgeous Kendall Jenner. Your friends immediately sensed you tense up and gave you a knowing look but before you could had escaped, your eyes locked with brown ones. It had been only seconds but it still had an effect on you.

"Fucking bitch", Lauren hissed once the group of girls was out of sight. You were still dazed. "I don't get why you still react like that to her?", the black haired girl's voice brought you back from your daydream. "Lauren's right. Fuck her", Taylor added and pulled you in for a hug. "Girls, I'm alright", you tried to convince them. "Everything's fine", you sighed but your friends knew better.

You had known Kendall since third grade and up until the beginning of high school, the two of you were inseparable . You would do everything together, tell each other everything and always have each other's back. During middle school, you developed a crush on the dark-haired girl but that was a secret you had never told her. The friendship you had was too precious for you to risk anything. You had been convinced, that someone like Kendall was someone, you only met once in your lifetime and you tried everything to keep her in your life. Everything changed in freshman year, though. That was when she met Hailey, and also when she started to change. Suddenly, popularity was the most important thing to her and because of that, she kind of turned into this shallow, superficial and mean bitch everyone hated but adored at the same time. It was hard for you to accept the fact, that your best friend didn't want to be your best friend anymore. That broke your heart into millions of pieces and after all this time, you still weren't over that. Your stubbornness made it hard for you to let go, that was why you had tried to reach out to Kendall a few times but she made it clear, that hanging out with you was bad for her reputation. Luckily, you met two amazing people shortly after the whole drama. Taylor and Lauren had been there for you since day one and you couldn't had imagined your life without them. Their love and support meant everything to you.

Your mood was lifted up ,as soon as last period ended, and you wasted no time in rushing out of the building. You got into your car and drove off. You didn't hate school, you were just tired of it. Tired of the annoying teachers, tired of the boring classes, tired of all the idiots around you and mostly, you were sick and tired of having to see Kendall every single day. You didn't understand why it was still painful to see her. Yes, you used to have a crush on her, but that was in the past. At least, that was what you tried to convince yourself to believe. That girl made it clear that she didn't care about you and your feelings at all, but still, you couldn't let go of her. That was the thing you hated the most about yourself.

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