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You're in bed, scrolling on your phone. It's been a lazy day and you are very bored.
It's almost six p.m. and you decide to just stay in and watch something on Netflix.

A few minutes into it, your phone went off. You got a text from Kendall asking if you want to hang out. You don't feel like moving, so you ask her if she's down to come over and chill.

You and Kendall met half a year ago and over that period of time you've become really good friends. You don't know exactly what, but there's something really captivating about the model. You want to be around her all the time and she's on your mind constantly. You've had crushes before but you're not sure if this is one too. It partly feels like one but it's also different. Whatever, she's your friend and you really don't want to have a crush on her, so you just push those thoughts away.

The doorbell interrupted your trail of thoughts. You jump out of your bed and head to the door and open it. Your mood immediately changes when you see her. She's just so effortlessly stunning. This is so unfair. Here she is, wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans and a pair of black old school vans, while casually making you feel things. Things you don't want to feel.

"Hi", she says and goes in for a hug.
She smells so nice, you think to yourself while wrapping your arms around her slim body. You don't want to let go of her at all.

"What are you up to?", Kendall asks as she enters your living room.
"Just chilling. Watching TV. Y'know, the usual", you casually reply.

"You're so lazy", the model says jokingly.
"What? Can't I just chill?", you defend yourself. The tall brunette just laughs.

"What are you watching?", Kendall asks, while making herself comfortable on your couch.
"I just finished a show but we can watch a movie, if you're up to?", you ask her.
"Only if I can choose", she demands, her eyes lighting up.
"Only if you choose a good one", you say, with a smirk forming on your lips.

After some minutes, the model and you settled for Clueless, a classic.
Half an our into the movie, you feel Kendall's head on your shoulder. You instinctively put your arm around her. This feels so natural and good.
You don't mind having her this close. As long as there are boundaries. The one thing you fear the most is falling in love with her. The last thing you need is her making you fall in love with her. You're a pretty uncomplicated person and you hate it when things get complicated. You really like Kendall and that's why you don't want to risk your friendship.

You finished watching the movie and now you're sitting in your kitchen and eating ice cream.
"Are you dating anyone", Kendall suddenly asks, which takes you by surprise.
"Uhm... no", you answer. "What about you", you add.
"Nope", she says and keeps on eating her bowl of ice cream.
"You like girls, right", the model asks out of the blue.
"Yes, I do. I like girls and I like boys", you say looking at her.
"Oh, I see. Have you... have you ever had something with a girl?"

Her questions started to make you a little uncomfortable. You were never the kind of girl who talked about her love life. You prefer to keep this part of your life private.

"I've dated two girls so far", you say to answer her question.
"Why are you asking, anyway?", you confront her.
"No particular reason. I just want to get to know you better", she nonchalantly replies as she puts the now empty bowl in the sink.

"What about you?", you ask the girl confidently. "Ever hooked up with a girl?"
Kendall's cheeks turned pink and she looked away. You smile at her reaction and don't expect an answer at all.
"I did actually", the model says, which really surprises you.
You just raised an eyebrow at her. "Did you like it?"
"It was pretty nice", she says while biting her lip. You can't help but stare at her. She's so breathtakingly beautiful. But then you remember that you promised yourself not to fall in love with her. Just keep it together Y/N.

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