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A/N: This one was requested by kjfics . I hope you like it :)

You loved going on vacation and the fact that you had been invited by your good friend Kylie to join her and her family made everything better. You had been friends with the youngest Jenner for a while now but it still surprised you when she told you to join her and the rest of the Kardashian and Jenners on that trip. You met her family a couple of times and hanging out with them had always been a pleasure. They were crazy but super nice and fun, too. At first, you were a little bit intimidated by your friend's older sister, Kendall but after you had got to know her better you realized how cool and laid-back she actually was and you clicked immediately. Since then, you had become good friends, which Kylie was a little bit jealous of and even accused her sister of stealing her friend but eventually she cooled down.

It was very hot and humid when you arrived in St. Lucia. It was the first time for you to fly on a private jet and you loved it. It was so much more comfortable than flying coach. You had only landed a few minutes ago but you already loved the vacation.

Once you had arrived at the luxurious place you were staying at, you couldn't had contained your excitement anymore. You jumped up and down like a little kid in a toy store. The mansion was enormous and had a huge pool, from where you could had looked out into the sea.
Of course, Kylie was sharing a room with Tyga, but you didn't mind having a room all to yourself. Once you had settled into your room, you noticed that Kendall was in the room right next to yours. You had to smile at that fact, because you loved hanging out with the model.

You couldn't had waited to explore the place, so you left your room in a rush.
"Is someone chasing you?", a confused looking Kendall asked you.
"No", you chuckled. "I just want to look around and get to know the place", you explained. "Do you wanna join me?", the model nodded excitedly and the two of you started your little adventure.

"I love it so much here", you said in awe, while looking out into the beautiful turquoise sea and the white sanded beach.

"It's really beautiful", the brunette agreed as she took out her Canon to shoot some photos. You observed her and were amazed. The passion she had for photography amazed you. You were so lost in the scenery that you hadn't noticed when the girl snapped a picture of you until you heard the clicking sound of the camera.

"Hey", you protested. "I wasn't ready", you joked. "You're photogenic, don't worry about it", the model reassured you with a smug smirk on her face, which made you roll your eyes.

"Mind if we head back?", Kendall asked you while stretching her arms.
"Sure", you smiled while watching the tall girl put the camera back into her bag. She was so beautiful, the setting sun really complimented her skin tone.

"I really can't wait for dinner", she exclaimed while you were walking back to the villa. You had to laugh at her statement to which she immediately reacted. "What's so funny? Don't tell me you're not hungry."
"I am. I just find your excitement for food cute", you shyly admitted.
"Shut up", the model jokingly said before you continued your walk in comfortable silence.

The next morning you woke up early because you didn't want to waste the day. Kylie and Tyga were already having breakfast, as well as the rest of the family. Only Kendall was missing. You wished everyone a good morning as you walked into the dining room.
"Did you knock on Kenny's door to wake her up?", Khloe asked you as you sat down on the huge table to eat breakfast.
"No. I didn't know she was still asleep. Should I go and do that now?", you wondered but before you could had done anything the brunette walked into the room.
"Morning", she sleepily greeted everyone. She had no make up on and her hair was tied up into a messy bun. How did she manage to look so effortlessly beautiful, you wondered to yourself.

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