Little Do You Know

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A/N: This was requested by @ZaNarryGirls. The story is inspired by the song "Little Do You Know" by Alex & Sierra. I hope you like it :)

It was late at night. Probably around three in the morning. You were laying in bed and staring at the ceiling while the girl next to you was sound asleep. Her calm breathing filled the room. You turned around, so you were facing her. She looked so vulnerable and peaceful. You wondered how she could sleep after everything that happened over the past month. You were back together now but you still weren't at peace or fully happy. The pain was still there and it was eating you up, each day a little less, though. The girl laying next to you broke your heart. You never saw it coming but it happened and you forgave her or at least that was what you were telling yourself. You wanted to forgive her because you loved her. You loved her so damn much that you were risking getting broken again. After everything you've had been through, you still wanted her in your life. You still wanted her close to you, because she was the one for you.

Little did she know, that those memories were still haunting you. Your head was filled with all the things that happened and you were still thinking about what she did and what you've had said back then. Only a month ago, you genuinely thought that your relationship was over. You thought there was nothing to save, even if you wanted to save everything. You were still feeling the pain in your whole body, while she was sleeping peacefully next to you.

Little did she know, that you still had a hole in your heart, a hole that didn't seem to heal quickly enough. You never told her but you always hoped she would notice by herself. She was your girlfriend after all, but looking at her now only proved you, that she seemed to have moved on from what happened and continued living her life like nothing had happened. You've had been trying so hard to look forward and leave the past behind you but it wasn't that easy.

Little did she know, that even though you were trying to forgive her, forgetting was a very hard thing to do. You just had to close your eyes and the memories would come rushing back. It was like a bad movie you were forced to watch over and over again. That was the reason for your lack of sleep. You were scared to close your eyes, scared to relive all of it again. You wondered if you've had let her back in too soon. Maybe you should've had gave yourself a little more time and a little more space but you loved her too much to do so.

You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. Your eyes were roaming the dark room until they landed on the beautiful girl beside you again, but this time she wasn't asleep anymore. You looked at each other in silence. You couldn't see much but what you were able to see were her doe eyes who were filled with hurt.

"I'll wait", her sleepy voice filled the room. You stayed silent. "I'll wait until you're ready", you heard her voice again. "We don't have to rush into anything. I'll give you space", the girl reassured you, while you were looking at her in darkness. "I just want to promise you that you don't have to be afraid", you felt her hand carefully stroking your cheek. "I love you".

Little did you know that she knew how much you were hurting and that her mistakes were killing her slowly and painfully. Even though you couldn't always see it but she was indeed trying to make everything better, piece by piece. Kendall loved you and she'd love you until the end of time.

"Just wait", you whispered. "I love you". Your hand was now touching hers, which was still placed on the side of your face. "Our love is here and it's here to stay", you murmured sleepily while placing your head on her chest. "I'll wait", she whispered while her fingers were playing with your hair. "Little do you know that I'll love you until the sun dies", you heard her whispering before sleep took over you.

A/N: I know it's short but so is the song. Sorry about that. There's another update coming this week, which is way longer, so stay tuned 😉
Let me know what you think, guys ☺️💕
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