The next step

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"I'm so excited about this", you hear your girlfriend Kendall say in a very happy voice. "Me too, babe", you say smiling as you put your arms around her neck.

You and the model have been dating for a year now and you decided it's time for the next step in your relationship.
The past couple of weeks you've been house hunting because you want to move in together. You decided to buy a new house together and set it up together.
You want it to be your new home, where you can start the new chapter of your life together.

After a really intense search, you found the perfect house. It's big but not extreme. It's got six bedrooms and four bathrooms, a really big kitchen and a huge living room. There's also a big backyard and a swimming pool. It's perfect.

"I can't wait to buy the furniture and decorations", you say excitedly and jump up and down like a little kid.
"You're so cute", Kendall says and engulfs you in a tight hug and kisses you on your forehead.

After a long and stressful week, you and your girlfriend are now cuddled up in your bed. "It's so crazy to think that I will no longer live in this apartment", you say nostalgically. The model plants soft kisses on your cheek, which makes you smile.
"I hope you're not too sad about it", she says jokingly and kisses the tip of your nose. As much as you're looking forward to living together, it still is a big step. What if it won't be easy to share a home? What if you end up fighting? Or the worst. What if you break up? These questions have been haunting you the past couple of days now. People have been telling you that it's different to actually live together and that there can be bumps in the road in the beginning.

"Babe? Is everything alright", you hear Kendall ask concerned. "I was just thinking", you reply. The model knows you well and that's why she knows something's up. "What's wrong, Y/N?", she asks and moves so she's now looking at your face. You softly run your fingers through her silky hair and look her deep in the eyes. One of the reasons your relationship has been going so great, is because you always tell each other everything and now is no exception.
"It just really hit me that it's really happening. We're taking this step and..."
"Hold on a second", your girlfriend interrupts you. "Are you getting cold feet?" You just look at her angelic face and the way her beautiful brown eyes are looking at you.
"I'm just a little bit scared", you admit. "I've never been in a relationship, serious like this one. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you and that's why I'm so scared to fuck this up", you say teary-eyed.
Kendall cups your face and carefully wipes the tears away. "Baby, you're not gonna fuck anything up. None of us is. I know we have our fights but that's a sign of a perfectly healthy relationship", she says in a soothing voice and kisses your temple. You put your arms around her waist and put your head in the crook of her neck. You stay like this for a while. Just you, her and the very comforting silence.

"I love you", you whisper. Kendall pecks your lips softly, which makes you smile.
"I love you, too", she says and the both of you cuddle up again.

You're currently eating breakfast and you kind of feel bad that you seemed to be unsure about the whole moving in together thing, last night. Your girlfriend suddenly says and breaks your train of thoughts, "We don't have to rush into this, you know?". This takes you by surprise. "No, I really want us to move in together. I am ready. Are you?". There's a small smile on Kendall's face. "I want us both to be happy and if you're really ready, then so am I", she says as she gives you a reassuring look. You walk up to her and stand in between her legs. You lean in and kiss her soft lips as your hands make their way to her waist. Her hands land slowly around your neck. Your lips slowly kiss down her jawline until they reach her neck. You feel her arms on your shoulders tighten and her breathing becoming irregular. It's such an awesome feeling to know that you can do this to her. "I really wanna make last night up to you", you whisper into her ear. Kendall takes your face in her hands and looks lovingly at you. "There's really nothing to make up but I accept the offer gladly", she says and connects your lips. You smile into the kiss and look forward to what's about to happen in your kitchen in the next seconds.

It's been three weeks since you officially bought the house. Since then, you've been furniture and interior shopping. You really enjoy it and Kendall seems to do so as well. You moved some things from your old apartment into the house already. The model also brought some stuff from her house. Each day you started to worry less and less about moving in together. Now, you just can't wait to share a beautiful home with your even more beautiful girlfriend.

Right now, you're in a store to buy the last piece of furniture. Kendall and you have brought Kylie and Khloe with you. As you're looking at all the offers, you hear Khloe say, "I think this one's right for you two lovebirds." You turn your attention to your girlfriend's sister and walk up to her. She's looking at a really nice kingsize bed. It's perfect for your new bedroom. "I like it", Kendall says, looking at you. "I like it too, babe", you say and put your arm around her waist. "This bed is gonna fit so good with your whole bedroom theme", Kylie says and you agree. "And it looks very comfy and robust, so Kenny and Y/N can get really wild", the oldest sister says and wiggles her eyebrows. "Ew, Khloe", Kylie says and slaps her arm playfully. Your girlfriend's cheeks are red and she's trying to hide her face. You can't help and roll your eyes jokingly at Khlo. "So, do we take this bed or not", you ask the model. "Well, it looks nice, comfy and it's perfect for our bedroom", she says an kisses you on the cheek. "Besides, KoKo is right. The bed's perfect to get wild on it", Kendall whispers in your ear before gently biting it. "Then let's buy it and get it home as soon as possible", you say.

The past weeks have been stressful but now everything's set. Today's the day you and Kendall official move into your new house. It's a strange, yet exciting feeling. You're so happy and so proud of your relationship with the model.
The fear and doubts you've been feeling the past couple of weeks disappeared completely.

"This is our new home", Kendall says as she hugs you from behind. You can feel her warm breath on your cheek.
"It's amazing", you say and turn around, so you're facing your girlfriend.
You look at her lovingly. You still can't believe she's completely yours. You've never been happier before.

"Imagine in a few years, having the other bedrooms filled", the model says, in a happy voice.
"You mean with little Kennys and Y/Ns?", you ask with a huge smile forming on your face.
"Yes, wouldn't that be awesome?", you hear her mumble into your neck.
"Very awesome", you say and lift her head so you can kiss her tenderly.
"But let's get a puppy first", you say, smiling at your girlfriend. "Yeah, definitely", Kendall agrees with happiness radiating from her.

You and Kendall are in the bathroom, preparing for bed. You're brushing your teeth while she's washing her face.
"It's so great to have two sinks", you say and your girlfriend agrees with you.
"And I love the shower", you add with a smirk on your lips.
"Yeah, it's great for hot shower sex", the taller girl says and winks at you.
She walks up behind you and wraps her long arms around you.
Suddenly you feel her soft lips on your jaw, making their way to your ear.
"I think it's time to test our new bed", Kendall whispers in your ear.
You can't help but bite your lip.
You swiftly turn around and kiss her passionately. Your lips softly biting her lower lip at the end of the kiss.
"Well, what are we waiting for then?", you ask. Your girlfriend just takes you by the collar of you t-shirt and pulls you into your bedroom. She pushes you on the bed and straddles you.
"Let's see if we chose the right bed", Kendall says before connecting your lips.
You switch your positions, so now you're the one straddling her. Her hands make their way under your t-shirt. You feel her fingertips gently brushing at your ribs. This drives you crazy and in response you grind you hips into hers. Kendall moans quietly into your mouth. You smirk at her reaction and repeat your actions.

You can say that you successfully tested the bed that night.

A/N: I just want to say thank you for the support. I really appreciate it. It really means a lot to me.
So, here's the new update and I hope you like it.

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