A Perfect Match

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A/N: This was requested by @dstubbs123. I hope you like it.

Things were so exciting right now. You and your long-time crush had started dating three months ago and you couldn't be happier. You've had been crushing on Kendall for almost a year, before you finally found the guts to ask her out. Since then, you've had been on cloud seven.

"Your constant grinning makes me wanna punch you in the face", you heard your friend, Lauren Jauregui say. You must've had spaced out again, thinking about your girlfriend.

You faked being offended, "I can't help it. I'm sorry you're so jealous".

"I'm not jealous", she huffed and gave you an evil glare.

"For sure", you smirked smugly.

Your phone buzzed, indicating that you got a new text message. You wasted no time in checking whom the message was from, secretly hoping it was Kendall who's had texted you.

"You became so whipped and soft", your friend stated. "What happened, to the badass Y/N, I used to know?"

"I'm not whipped", you denied while typing on your phone.

"You are", the singer argued. "She's got you wrapped around her finger.

"Maybe she does", you admitted. "But at least I'm happy and in love, while you're still bitter and jealous", you joked.

"You're so annoying when you're in love", Lauren said. "But that's nothing compared to what you used to be, you know, before you and Kendall started going out".

"I was a pain in the ass, wasn't I?", you asked while thinking back to the time you used annoy your friend about how much you were crushing on Kendall. You didn't go a day without letting her know how beautiful and perfect the model was.

"You still are", the dark-haired girl said and laughed.

You still remember the day you got the courage and admit your feelings to the model. It was a Saturday night and both of you were heading home from a party one of Kendall's guy friends had thrown.

You weren't drunk, just a little bit tipsy. Kendall, one the other hand had more to drink and almost fell asleep in the Uber. When you had finally arrived at her place she begged you to stay with her. Since you often slept over at each other's places, you agreed.

You remember her being very clumsy that night. You couldn't help but smile at her cute clumsiness. You've had helped her getting upstairs and ready for bed.

She was already fast asleep when you've had got into bed. You had laid down with your back facing Kendall. Not even a minute passed before she has turned around and wrapped her arms around you. Your heart was beating so fast in that moment, so fast that you were afraid that she might've had heard it. 

"I like you very much, Y/N", you've had heard her murmur in her sleep.

After hearing those words you've had decided to spill the tea the next morning.
It was in her kitchen, around 9 a.m. when you finally opened up to the model.

At first, she was taken aback by your sudden confession but it didn't take her long to press her lips on yours.

In that moment when your lips touched for the first time, you felt things you'd have never felt before. It was like reading those romantic books and finally understanding what they were always talking about.

"Finally", was what the model mumbled after you broke off the kiss. You've had never felt purer happiness until then. Everything fell into place and made sense. You knew whatever you've had felt for other people before wasn't half as strong as what you were feeling for Kendall.

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