Very Close pt.3

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It's been a month since you and Cameron started hanging out. As agreed, you are taking it slow and don't rush into anything. You can't really define your relationship yet but you're planning on asking her to be your girlfriend soon.

"I really like kissing you", the blonde says in-between kisses.

You just smile into the sweet kisses. "I like kissing you, too", you say happily.

"Do you know what else I like?", she whispers into your ear and you shake your head in response. "You", she adds before starting to leave tender kisses on your neck. She straddles you in the process and you can't help but moan in response as she starts grinding on you. You slowly start to undress each other and soon the room is filled with your and Cam's moans.

You can't say you didn't enjoy sleeping with Cameron but it wasn't as amazing as with Kendall. There was something missing, probably the right feelings. The sex was great but it wasn't special. You try not to think about it too much though. You're blaming the doubts on not being completely over the model. At least you're trying. You'll get there eventually.


"So, how's it going?", your friend Selena asks you while you're face timing.

"Great. Couldn't be better", you lie partly.

"Cameron seems to be nice. I'm happy she's making you happy", she singer says happily.

"Yeah, she's great", you say not sounding very convincing.

"She's not Kendall, though", she states matter of factly.

"Yeah, that's true", you mutter without realizing it.

"I knew it", Selena says in an accusing tone.

"Wait! No!", you try to defend yourself.

"Too late. You already said it, sweetie. Don't lie to yourself", the brunette tells you.

"Look, Cameron and I are getting along so well and we always have a good time, but..."

"But she's not Kendall", your friend finishes the sentence for you and rolls her eyes.

"Guess the heart wants what it wants", you sigh.

"Wait. Are you mocking me?", the singer asks you, faking being upset.

"No", you laugh. "That was pure coincidence."

"Whatever", she laughs. "I wish for you to figure this out and be happy."

"Thanks Sel", you say and smile at her through your phone.

"Everything's gonna be alright", she says and you nod.

"Talk to you soon", you say and the two of you say each other goodbye.

The next day you decide to spend by yourself. You need some space and time to think. Cameron really grew on you and you really like her but not as much as you like Kendall. You groan and roll your eyes. Why is this happening? It's like you're not letting yourself letting go of her. Whatever, maybe you just need a little more time. You're gonna get over that crush. Don't stress over it.


"You should throw a party", you hear Hailey say to you.

"Hm?", you respond, not really paying attention to her.

"Hello? Are you in there?", the blonde asks while jokingly knocking on your head.

"Yeah, sorry", you say while typing on your phone. "I just had to respond to this text. My attentions is all yours now", you tell your friend with a smile on playing on your lips.

Kenny OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now