The Dare pt. 3

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Monday came and you were everything but motivated to go to school, especially since the first class of the day was history. You were not in the mood to confront Kendall at all. The last two days, you spent replaying the words that came out of her mouth over and over again. Was it really possible that she was serious about everything she said? You'd liked that girl for so long and having her return your feelings was almost too good to be true. You knew life wasn't like those stupid rom-coms.

The second you got out of your car, you were greeted by your two best friends.
"Where the fuck have you been?", Lauren confronted you referring to your absent phone calls and text messages.
"It's a weird story", you explained.

"Does this weird story involve Kendall?", the green eyed-girl asked curiously. You looked away but couldn't lie to your friends.

"She... she kind of told me something", you tried to explain to them. Confusion was written all over their pretty faces.
"She told me, she has feelings for me", you finally managed to say.

Taylor and Lauren were clearly taken aback by what you just told them. Not even you could believe it.

"I've always shipped you", the blue-eyed girl suddenly exclaimed excitedly. You gave her a confused look and so did the other girl.

"This is no time for jokes", Lauren said, shaking her head. Taylor rolled her eyes, "I'm not joking", she said. "I've always thought Y/N and Kendall would be a cute couple. I kept my mouth shut because it was an unpopular opinion."

"What do you feel?", your other friend asked you with a concerned look on her face. You bit your lip anxiously. "I don't know", you sighed. "I've always had this thing for her but now...", you groaned in frustration. "I've tried so hard to get over it and now she tells me she likes me. This is so fucked up."

Lauren and Taylor pulled you in for a comforting group hug.
"You'll figure it out eventually", the dark-haired girl said.
"Listen to your heart", your other friend added, to which you and Lauren rolled your eyes in response. "Why are you always so cheesy, Taylor?", you chuckled.

You entered the classroom and sat down on your usual table. After some minutes you saw Jake coming your way and you gave him a small smile.

"Don't even think about it", you heard a familiar voice shout, while your friend was about to sit down next to you. You gave him an apologetic look before he left the table.

"When will he get it in his little head, that this is my seat?", Kendall asked while taking the seat next to you. You looked at her and noticed that she was wearing your sweatshirt, the one you gave her on Saturday morning, before she went home.

"How was your weekend?", she asked chirpily. You wondered how she managed to be so chill about what happened on Saturday morning.

"It was alright, I guess", you told her. "Yours?", you smiled at her.

"I was hungover most of Saturday", she chuckled. "Sunday was better".

"Yeah, you've had a lot to drink", you laughed at the girl. "I would've guessed you for someone who knows their limit".

"I know my limit", the dark-haired girl pretended to be offended. "Sometimes shit happens, though". "Thank you for letting me stay over", she said while putting her hand over yours.

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