Family Dinner

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A/N: This was requested by @mylovaticlife. I hope you like it :)

"I'm so happy that you finally got to meet my parents and my siblings", you told your girlfriend with a huge smile on your face. "I'm glad they like me", she shyly admitted and you shook your head in disbelief. "Like?", you raised your eyebrow. "They love you", you said, emphasizing the word 'love'. The model couldn't had helped but grin sheepishly at your words.

You and Kendall had been dating for almost eight months, and last week you decided that it was finally time to introduce her to your family, since your relationship was getting pretty serious.
She however, hadn't seemed to be planning on bringing you home to her folks anytime soon. Whenever you had brought up that topic, she instantly changed it and started to talk about something else or told you that it was not the right time to talk about that now. You had started to think that she might had been ashamed of you or that to her, your relationship wasn't that serious. Maybe she had thought that you wouldn't last anyway, so why introduce you to her family? Thoughts like these slowly began to worry you and second guess everything regarding your relationship with the model.

"Do you think we're gonna last?", you asked the girl, while the two of you were getting ready for bed. She gave you a questioning look, probably thinking about what to tell you.

"Well, I really hope so", she finally said and chuckled. "Why did you ask that?"
You sighed, "I don't know, Kendall". The smile on her face turned into a scowl because you called her by her full name and not 'Kenny' like you usually did. That seemed to had affected her and she knew something was bothering you.

"Babe, please tell me what's wrong", she pleaded softly, while giving you a loving look. "If you're as invested in our relationship as I am, then why haven't I met your family yet?", you asked her. The tall girl bit her lip and looked away. Silence invaded the room for a few minutes but she eventually broke it.

"You know how much I love you...", she started but you cut her off. "Are you ashamed of me?". Kendall's eyes shot wide in shock. "Of course not, Y/N", she reassured you. "How can you possibly think such thing?"
"Well, there must be a reason for you not wanting me to meet your family", you protested sternly. "You met Kylie", the model argued to which you rolled your eyes. "Yeah but what about the other members of your family?", Kendall sighed in defeat. She knew there was no point in arguing anymore.

"They're crazy", she groaned. You couldn't had helped but laugh at her statement. "Babe", you cooed. "Don't worry about that. Okay, they seem to be a little wild and crazy but in a good way. I'd love to meet them", you said while wrapping your arms around your girlfriend's neck and pecking her lips.
"Alright, alright", she gave in. "You're right. They are a part of me and you have to meet them". A grin appeared on your face while connecting your lips with your girlfriend's once more. "Let's drop this topic for now and talk about more interesting things", she mumbled in-between kisses. "Or we can just not talk at all", you purred before pushing the model on the bed and straddling her waist. "Great idea", she huskily said before pulling you in for a passionate kiss.

Two weeks later, Kendall had arranged a family dinner at her mother's house and her whole family was attending. You had been kind of nervous, but overall happy to finally meet them. The model and you were in the car, on the way to Kris' house in Calabasas. Her soft hand grabbed yours and instinctively your fingers intertwined. You looked at your beautiful girlfriend, who was focused on the road in front of you.

"Are you nervous", the girl asked you, while her thumb was drawing circles on your hand. "A little bit", you admitted. Kendall chuckled and brought your hand to her lips, kissing your knuckles. "You don't have to be. They're crazy but nice", she reassured you. "They're gonna love you. I mean, how can you possibly not love this cute little thing", she said while squishing your cheeks. A huge grin appeared on your lips. "I love you", you smiled lovingly at your girlfriend. "I love you, too", she said before pressing her lips on yours for a quick but yet, loving kiss.

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